Feeling stressed, low and scared of losing him.

  • 4 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Before my partners diagnose I was suffering from depression and anxiety especially loosing loved ones. 

My world has turned upside down and anxiety got worse after his diagnose of cancer. His cancer has spread to pancrease, liver and lungs from the kidney. 

I'm so scared of loosing him and don't want to lose him. Nothing is the same anymore. 

Any advice on how I can carry on and be happy. All I ever think about is how this can be cured, or when his treatment starts what if it doesn't work etc...all negative thinking. I'm too scared to even think positive. I'm always acting positive to help him though deep down it kills me coz my mind wispers negative. When he was healthy I used to be able to open up to him with all my ridiculous negative thoughts and he would help me over come them. Now ita so hard I'm all alone with this negative mind of mine. 

Always scared of losing him and miss the past. 

  • Hey Miracle2023...

    As you know, there are no easy answers.  The good thing is that you understand yourself well enough to see what is going on and can see where your personal struggles are.

    Your partner is probably very scared too - I hope that you can both make space to talk about how scared you are and go through this together. 

    If you are feeling depressed and anxious, you should probably talk to your GP.  They may be able to point you to services in your area that may help you to get through the current difficult situation.

    I hope that you have some some trusted friends and family who you can talk to when you are struggling also.  If you can engage a few people and get them to understand what you are struggling with then they can help you to share the load and just be there when you need to talk and your partner isn't up to is.

    And you will see many people on here saying that you need to learn to live day to day for the time being.  Not forever - just for now to help you cope.  I used to worry about lots of things when my wife was first ill.  Most of them didn't happen and I just wasted lots of energy worrying- when I would have been better focusing on the present.

    For now... make sure you are getting time for yourself as well - you can't look after your partner if you aren't looking after yourself.


  • So sorry to hear your struggling   my partner has incurable cancer and I'm having councilling which is helping but its hard my anxiety  is real bad but ive found this sitetsite to be such a support .Always here to listen xx

  • Holmes thank you for your reply too xx