An admission

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I love my husband dearly, but when he got himself discharged from hospital today, although I dutifully went to collect him, I was so cross with him I was nearly in tears.

I had always been worried about the recovery from this latest op, which was carried out on Tuesday. What I had seen in hospital on Wednesday had not looked like he was ready for home. The surgeon had said if recovery went really well he'd be out Friday.

But he was bored in hospital and determined to come home. He got his feeding tube removed and texted to say he was discharged.

When I went to collect him, if anything, he looked in worse shape than the day before.

I hadn't got anything ready for his return, what with work and hospital visiting, and keeping concerned friends and family informed - and my expectation he'd be home Friday at the earliest.

Coming home so fast has meant he hasn't had any dietician or exercise advice, he's come home without enough pain meds. I hadn't started making any special food for him.

Coming home when he did meant I couldn't go for my one evening out in the week, to choir, and I've had to tell work last minute that I'll have to work from home tomorrow, because I don't think he's well enough to be left home alone for the day while I'm out at work.

It would all have been so much easier for me if he'd come home Friday or Saturday - but that was not part of his thought process.

It feels so selfish on his part. And yet I know it is not really. I never explained to him quite how worried I was by this surgery and recovery from it, because I have to stay strong. The only hint I'd given about my level of worry before the event was met with surprise. He was doing as he saw fit to recover.

Maybe I'm just being too selfish. But it feels good to tell the Internet just what a rubbish day I've had because my husband came home from hospital so soon! Because of course I'll be telling everyone else what a delight it is to have him back again - which it is in some ways, it is terrifying in others - but it would have been better tomorrow or the day after! Choosing to come home then would have been a team effort to manage his recovery most easily. But everything about managing his cancer is his decision. I just pick up the pieces.

Rant over.

  • My goodness what a rotten day you've had; I'm so sorry and I'm glad you have us to rant to. 

    I don't think you're selfish and your feelings of anger and frustration with your husband seem valid to me. You're simply doing the best you can in a difficult situation and it's not easy for anyone. 

    I hope you can both get some sleep tonight


  • Thanks for your support. Back to 'soldiering on' mode today!

    Cancer treatments March 2021 - October 2023

  • I can really relate to this! We haven't had the same situation, but... Previously my partner has always been so very thoughtful and often put me first - now, sometimes it feels as though he couldn't care less. I know that's not true - it's just that dealing with the cancer means he only has the energy to focus on himself.  On days he feels better it's much more balanced. But I sometimes can't help feeling 'it's all about him'. And I'm scared of getting resentful.

    This time, your husband came home and you can't change that. But can you try to avoid it happening again? We're all different but if I were you, I'd try to find a time to talk with him, when he's feeling a bit stronger and you're not going to lose your temper. I think he needs to understand how you feel, even if you don't lay it on thick.  You're on this journey together even though you're going through different things. You need to stay strong for yourself and for him, and that means being able to work and manage the house and go to choir - and not being dumped with extra worries. It's definitely not selfish.  

    Once or twice I've talked with our support nurse - she's been brilliant and helped me put things in perspective as well as talking 1:1 with my partner.

    Thanks for the rant, I'm glad it's not just me. And good luck.

  • Wise words, thank you.

    Cancer treatments March 2021 - October 2023

  • Oh I can see my husband doing this in future he's already been trying to get his next surgery earlier and come off his chemotherapy. I was the same as you with his first surgery I even had friends staying and went out if he'd come home early it would have been a problem. I found having plans established helped me get through the process.