New diagnosis

  • 4 replies
  • 45 subscribers

My daughter was diagnosed with cervical cancer yesterday and I'm absolutely shell shocked. I know she's the important person, and I need to concentrate on helping her but I'm struggling today to get my head round it and be positive. I don't have a particular query really but just wanted to connect with people who understand..

  • Hey worried mum...

    You are important too.  Whether we like it or not, we get to go on this journey together and you are going to need to look after yourself if you are to look after your daughter.  And she will need her family around her. 

    A cancer diagnosis is a real shock for everyone and you will all need time to wrap your heads around it - but there are lots of good treatments out there and lots of stories of positive outcomes.

    There are also lots of resources around to support people, including carers and family.  Your local hospital and cancer care trust will be happy to answer questions, these forums are pretty useful, and there are other charities around who are there specifically to provie support to people and their families.

    For now... try not to worry about the future... it is perfectly natural and normal to do so, but not particularly helpful.  Start with getting through one day at a time.  Then as things start to settle down a bit and you gain some understanding of what is going on, you should be able to move to one week at a time. 

    Make sure you take time to look after yourself.  (I know it's the second time I've said it... you'll find people will be telling you that a lot.)

    Big hug.


  • Thank you so much Pete. It's so kind of you to take the time to answer me.

    I will take your advice and I will look after myself so I can look after my daughter 

    You've made me feel so much better with your understanding and insight and you've given me a lot to think about.

    You must be supporting someone you love too so I'm sending a big hug to you too x 

  • Hi worried mum, I think these early days are the worst as you wait for definite news and surgery. Make sure you know what's next for her treatment and that she is moving along. I found atvthusxstage just focusing on the next steps helped me help him get through. I hope its not too serious and they caught it xxxx 

  • Thank you Rara It is hard not knowing what will happen. There'll be CT and MRI scans this week and then we'll know what we're dealing with. Of course we're all hoping it's been caught in time but for now we're in limbo 
