Diet after right side hemicolectomy

  • 8 replies
  • 45 subscribers

My husband is coming home today after removing a massive cancer right side hemicolectomy ridiculous i know but what do i give him food wise he left here before his emergency blockage only managed a couple of spoons of food ihospital. do i have to liquidized his food no idea what I am doing really hit me this morning just had a thought any day now that call is coming up to now think we are both in denial

  • Hi  

    Hopefully the doctors will have explained what is to happen re care at home because if not how are you supposed to cope. Ideally speak to his oncology team since they will know your husband's case best but you could try ringing the helpline here too if that helps.

    If we look at Your feelings when someone has cancer we can see denial is not uncommon. One thing that can be helpful is just mentally stepping back and noticing the emotion without letting it overwhelm us.



    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi no oncology team we are waiting for that dreaded call I quess we will have oncology then we do have a macmillion nurse just feel sent home and forgotten 

  •  I am slightly confused as to how he might have a operation to remove a cancer without having contact with oncology, however when my wife has come home from hospital we have usually had an emergency contact number of the ward in case of any problems in the first day or two.

    I did find this page from cancer research on eating after bowel cancer surgery that might be helpful.

    Hope that helps



    Community Champion Badge

  • Hey Jkee... did he come home, and did you get any advice?  If not, y ou should have been given a discharge summary when you left the hospital which should have a number on it for if you have any issues.  I would be calling them and asking them - even if they say they aren't the people to help you then they should be able to tell you who is (and hopefully give you a number). Or if you have contact details for a Macmillan nurse then call them.

    I would hope that you will have been given the information you need - everyone normally tries to do the right thing - but even with diligent professionals, sometimes someone drops the ball.  If that is the case, then please don't just accept it.

    Tough times for you.  Coming home from hospital is a tricky one and can be exhausting.  Try to call in support so that you can look after yourself as well.


  • Came home late been bad day chasing tablets district nurse seems like i'm having to beg for help fell out few times he is not used to be cared for but thanks to you on here a good cry i;m back on it did forget to eat too busy making sure he has something hopefully tomorrow better

  • Hey Jkee... How has your day been?  Are things getting any clearer for you?

  • Morning awful day begging for a district nurse first thing hospital said doctors doctors said hospital told at hospital his blood level were back up did not have iron tablets in hospital sent home  with them he is now blocked we have decided ourselves not to take them phoned doctors never rang told we would have oral antibiotics at back  home no antibiotics rang the ward she just said not on notes so yesterdays was difficult but i begged and managed a districk nurse today think as a lot of people have said i need to breath and start a fresh today didnt want to ring macmillion nurse scared she will say oh why your on phone I have your path results I know daft x

  • OK - thanks for the update.  Glad you have a district nurse visit and I hope that is useful.  Oftentimes you just need the right person to see what you are struggling with and they will point you in the right direction or even just give you the help you need. Especially when you don't know how the system works it can be very hard to get the answers you need - but many district nurses are very experienced and know how the system works.

    As you say... deep breath. when they arrive, explain the situation and explain how much you are struggling and worried about not doing the right thing.  Hopefully she will be able to help.

    And please do call the Macmillan nurse.  I know it can be scary - but you need all the help you can get and they are one of the things that has been put there to help you.

    You've just been hit with a whole load of new stuff and you don't know how to handle it right now - but things will settle down and you will find a rhythm and you will cope.  Try to get a half an hour walk or something to clear your head.  (But make sure you are in when the district nurse arrives! :))
