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I am new to the group, my mum went into hospital the day before Christmas Eve with a suspected chest infection to be told a week later they strongly believed she had lung cancer. Last week we have been told the devastating news it is stage 4 lung cancer. It has spread and we are not sure if there is anything they can do at all. 
I am completely devastated. We have to wait for another week or so to see the consultant for results of blood tests which have been sent to Germany so my mind is working overtime on how long she will still be with us etc. it is killing me 

I really need someone to talk too. I care for my mum and dad. My daughter has medical conditions and I am a single parent. My dad is in total Shock and can not understand how she can have lung cancer when she doesn’t smoke and never has had issues with her chest. It is all so unfair and I don’t know how to deal with it 

any help would be appreciated