How can I best help them

  • 3 replies
  • 44 subscribers

My Mum had a large abdominal lymphoma diagnosed last year. She completed her first round of chemotherapy, had her 6 week break from treatment but on review the lymphoma has come back, but has also spread. She isn't medical, doesn't want to know more than she needs to which is perfectly understandable, but how can I best support her and my Dad?  They are both in their 70's, I am a nurse working shifts, a Mummy and a wife head feels so full xx

  • Hi Emzie, what a horrible time for you and your family. Sorry to hear things are difficult. I don't know anything about lymphoma really but having supported my partner through 4 different kinds of chemo and immunotherapy I do know a little about that. You don't say if there are any other family members who are able to support as this would be my first thought. I have found the forums here to be very supportive and the helplines as well. Just having someone who can understand what you are all experiencing can be very helpful. The treatment centres often have a practical and emotional support centre nearby (ours is a Maggies) I just reached out to everyone in the virtual and real communities. They can also support you practically sometimes or advise you about support that could be available locally. Working the job you do and having your own family is busy enough, you definitely don't want to burnout. Each situation is unique and people handle things differently but there is support around. And this group in particular is a safe place that you will be heard and not judged. It is a really tough thing for everyone xx

  • Thank you for taking the time to reply to my message.  I am very grateful.

    I have a brother who lives abroad, and the rest of our family are spread throughout the UK.  

    I think I feed overwhelmed with a sense of responsibility to do my best.  But I don't know what the best thing to do is xx

    1. And you will do your best. Of course you will. Wow its tough being the closest person. Hope your dad is able to support your mum too, of course you might end up having to support both of them. It's, still relatively early days there is a lot to process. Really I would reach out to the communuty if you are able and maybe ask your partner to support you in your research of places, or with a few other useful things to free up a little time for you? Although your other family are spread out it might be worth connecting and planting ideas that maybe thry can coordinate a time to come and support? Even knowing this will happen every now and again can ease the pressure a little. Speaking with your mum of course as well to gauge the kind of support she will need (this will vary I would think depending on how the treatment affects her) reflecting her feelings can work well, be angry if she is, upbeat and positive when she can be etc. The one good thing to come from my experience so far is, really noticing all the small joys that might have slid past otherwise. If you ever need to rant or chat feel free to get in touch. All the very best to you all xx