Struggling convincing my sister

  • 2 replies
  • 44 subscribers

My sister was diagnosed with bowel cancer just 4 weeks ago, we as a family have tried so very hard to support her best we can, today she saw her surgeon who told her it was operable after chemo which she will start soon, he says he’s confident that things will be ok obviously he can’t guarantee this we know but she is so convinced that’s it for her even though the surgeon didn’t even hint at this, I find it incredibly frustrating trying to get her to think positive but it’s hard, I love my sister but she’s never had to really grow up & my parents treat her like a child she’s 49 & when she says I just want to die she looks at my mum knowing it will cause upset & wanting a reaction from my mum like a child would do when they something knowing what it’ll do, I find it so hard seeing her treat my parents badly too, she lives with them & won’t allow anyone to visit their home, I actually struggle in the middle.

much love one & all xx

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about how your sisters cancer is affecting your family. If we look at Your feelings when someone has cancer I am sure you will see some common ground with how you feel although of course complicated by the relationship between your sister and your parents.

    Bowel cancer is one of the more treatable cancers but for any cancer feelings of depression can be quite common.

    I wonder if it might help you to speak about your feelings to someone. I know with my wife's cancer I found Maggies and them Macmillan and it really helped me.



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  • Thank you so much Steve it’s certainly been strange times, almost feel like I’m not really here & i will wake up from this bad dream soon. 
    it’s a journey i will do with my sister & give all the support she needs & it’s nice to know this group is here to read other peoples stories & they here to listen, so sorry you’ve had this journey too Steve.

    take care 

    love Camielle x