Will he always be like this?

  • 3 replies
  • 44 subscribers

My husband has stage 4 bowel cancer. In October he had diverticulosis which lead to a scan which showed the cancer. That was just 10 weeks ago - no symptoms before that and after lots of tests we now know the cancer has spread to his lymph nodes and his chest. The original tumour is so large it caused a blockage so two weeks ago he had a stomach fitted. 

He barely eats, has morphine and paracetamol for pain, has prescribed drinks to try to boost his energy and weight (he has lost 4 stone). So he is exhausted and pretty much in bed all day. Trying to get up but can only walk a short way and sit downstairs for short times. 

Provided he is strong enough, he will start chemo in about 3 weeks then do 3 weekly cycles for 6 months. This is all palliative because it is inoperable. His consultant is hoping with treatment he will have 1 to 3 years but is not sure. 

Will he spend the rest of his life in pain and bed bound? Or does treatment make a big difference to energy etc- I thought chemo was quite hard on the body but not sure he can take much more. 

It all feels pointless and hopeless. He’s only 51. 
Any similar experiences who can give me some idea of the future? 

  • My husband has pancreatic cancer. He started in a lot of pain and after 5 cycles he seems abit better. He has abit more energy after the chemo and is able to move about abit. He of course has good and bad days. What does your husband think about doing the chemo? 

  • At the moment he is happy to try whatever is suggested but he is very fed up with feeling so rough. He is dreading having the treatment as he didn’t like being in hospital but the chemo is mostly at home so that helps. 

  • My husband has one day in hospital( the medical day unit) for 7 hours then is sent home for 46 with a chemo bottle. He seems more comfortable at home in his own environment. Hoping after the treatment he picks up. X