Dont know where to start

  • 3 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi all, 

This is my first post here. Just feel like i need to get things off my chest. 

I am 35 and my partner of 7 years was diagnosed with stage 4  cancer of the larynx in May this year. He is 39. He had some debulking done in July & then 6 weeks of daily Radiotherapy & weekly Chemo from September to end of October. He is due back at the hospital on 4th Jan when we will find out if it has worked. 
We have a 15month old son. We were both working full time but that for obvious reasons is now just me working full time. I went back in May after maternity leave. 
We have no family or friends to support us. My family live over 3 hrs away, they are great for emotional support but cant help practically and my partners mum & dad are both in poor health.

Oscar ( our son) goes to nursery 2 days a week but for the other 3 i try & juggle him at home whilst i work. Work thankfully have been amazing. 

I am so so tired & lonely. I am now a full time mum, full time manager & full time carer trying to juggle what feels like hundreds of plates at once. 

My partner has lost about 4st in weight, however is putting this back on. The chemo has really effected his hands and he can barely use them, i have to wash & dress him, open everything for him, drive him etc. The nurse he spoke to about this last week (its only come on in the last 2 weeks) just said that the chemo has possibly saved his life so he should look at it that way. However, it has totally changed his & our lives. 
We have no 'relationship' anymore. its more just a carer relationship. He cant do anything with out son because he cant get on the floor, pick him up etc. 

Not even sure the reason im posting but i just needed to write it down. 

  • I do know how you feel too. I have a constant headache due to stress. We have no relationship anymore. I’m just the irritating carer. He wants to be left alone to sleep and then complains that I’m not with him. I feel like I’m not there anymore.

    I tried to get hold of the palliative team today as he’s so confused but no luck. It’s like we don’t exist.

  • Im just the irritating carer too. We argue so much. 

    Im sorry to hear you struggled to get hold of the palliative team. We have a good Macmillan nurse but services where i live are very poor x

  • Apparently so are ours