The decision I've been dreading

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At the beginning of November hubby was admitted with sepsis. After a struggle to identify the source he was successfully  treated and came home.

Two days ago he was admitted with a second episode of sepsis but his blood tests also revealed that his 'Very High Risk' Myelodysplastic Syndrome has transformed into AML. There are limited treatment options for him and today his Consultant outlined all possible options for him, from not treating the infection and coming home with palliative care  to trying a new form of chemo with the aim of reverting the AML back to MDS.

We discussed this at length after the consultant had left. I have said from Day 1 that whatever decisions he made, I would support his choices. He is opting for the 'middle ground' choice which is to treat this inflection, if they can, and then come home on no further treatment. His remaining time will be short.

I then had the difficult task of explaining this to his daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren. They were all amazing! Sad and hurting but so supportive  of me, it was humbling. 

Ye gods, this has been a hard day  but there's harder to come. I have been amazed by the strength he's shown. Now, I need to he just as strong for him.

Thanks for reading. x

  • Hi  

    Thank you for posting and for being there to support your husband and the family. It is so hard but amazing what we achieve when challenged with what seems impossible.



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  • Sending you a huge hug, Hattie812. Reaching that decision is never easy and sharing it is hard...beyond hard. We faced a similar situation a few weeks ago so I can empathise  here. Stay're stronger than you think.

    love n hugs

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Hattie, so sorry you and your hubby are at this stage. I think it's a stage a lot of us are moving towards too rapidly. Sending you lots of love and strength. Great to know you have supportive family around you. Make the most of every moment. I hope they are able to sort out his infection out again, and you are able to have more quality time together. HeartBroken heart

  •   sending a hug right back to you. We certainly find strengths we never knew we had! x

  • Thank you   I think your right about a lot of us moving towards a similar decision, that's why it is so good to have this forum to support  each other.

    They've given a prognosis of "days," so making the best of spending time together in his hospital  room. x