Mum melonomia immotherpy & me

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Mum has been doing her IT and laser treatment on her leg was all going ok few hicups but not bad.......then she fell she broke her hip rushed to hospital operation 2 weeks later she is home. 

They call me to ask if she needed any help I live here i work but ican cook for her when needed they asked what kind of bed she had what kind of chair she had and if we had any steps (we are in a flat) anyway I answered the questions and there we get a frame to help her in the toilet and nothing else . Dont get me wrong I can do stuff for her but although I am 60 years old I had no idea what to expect. Eventually we get to talk to social services who will send someone out no time frame but at least its help.  So no problem apart from me I feel useless I have no idea i couldnt even help her to shower I am so scared of hurting her I just feel useless.  If only I had thought it all through and now she is down although she says she isnt i can see in her eyes she is 84 and I have no idea what else i can do for her. I dont drive and she might need to go for more treatment soon if the local cancer care cars cant provide a high car for her to get in she will miss treatment my head is so mixed up. Sorry I know lots of people are worze than me and mum but I feel so alone I just needed to say it on here it gets it out.

I work part time and that gets me out so I am lucky but I dont think of myself as a carer cause I dont do enough 

  • Ok have to say so sorry for this ranting I have written on last post it all got too much and i just needed to vent. Sorry again am I a horrible person or does everybody get times like that?

    Thanks and sorry again