How can I help him?

  • 3 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hello, I’ve just joined this group. My husband has stage 4 prostate cancer and had 6 cycles of chemotherapy finishing in mid august. He coped really well with this but recently everything has gone downhill. He developed pain over left hip which was thought to be trochanteric bursitis, had to wait several weeks for an injection and his mobility deteriorated. We’re waiting for results of a scan but at the moment he is living upstairs and very, very down. He has a long-standing mild left arm and leg weakness following a brain haemorrhage 11 years ago and is an insulin dependent diabetic as well. Our GP has been great all along and tried an antidepressant which unfortunately produced really bad nausea and vomiting so stopped. I have longstanding anxiety and depression, feel I have coped well so far as have needed to take over much of daily chores including driving, and caring for our 2 autistic adult sons as well as supporting another at university and the youngest doing A levels. However I am fast running out of coping strategies, probably Xmas run up isn’t helping.

i would really appreciate your thoughts on how I can support my husband emotionally, and our sons. I am becoming afraid this will be our last Xmas although the initial prognosis looked better. I know our time together is limited and it seems like we are wasting it. 

  • Hi  You really have so much going on, you must feel like you are juggling a dozen balls. My personal thoughts are that you first need to make sure that YOU are ok. Self-care is absolutely vital. Consider speaking to your GP about some counselling. When my late husband was unwell with pancreatic cancer, I benefitted hugely from one to one counselling. This time round I don't feel I need it, but I would do it again in a heartbeat if I thought it would help.

    There is a huge amount of added pressure at this time of year, but I think that it is the little things that make the difference. The little special moments will mean more that any amount of turkey, tinsel or gifts. The best gift you can give your hubby this year, is you and your time. It really is a case of just being there for him. Take your lead from him, and how much he feels he can do, or what he needs and take it from there. 

    I know how you feel about this possibly being your last Christmas together - I am in the same situation. Cherish every moment and know that you are not alone. Keep posting here and unloading. Right now, I really value this group. x

  • Thank you for your reply, I appreciate the support. I’m trying to keep busy and calm, but some days are better than others. We had a brief boost from scan results as these were better than feared but blood tests now show definite relapse. Not entirely surprised but disappointing. I don’t think any of us feel like celebrating Xmas, we’re just going through the motions. X

  • I'll be thinking of you throughout Christmas. Just try and find those special moments.

    My hubby had just been admitted today with another bout of sepsis. He was only discharged five and a half weeks ago. I'm just crossing my fingers, toes and everything I can think of that he's  home for Christmas. 
