A quick hello

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  • 44 subscribers

We are right at the start of our journey, there's a big back story that can wait for another day but yesterday we received confirmation that we are dealing with primary testicular LDBCL, my husband starts treatment next week and it sounds brutal. Yesterday we were numb but today has been full of anger. I'm so scared of what lies ahead and being "good enough" how do I be supportive without making things worse? All practical tips would be very welcome 

  • We too are at the beginning of a cancer treatment journey .  My husband was diagnosed with colon cancer in September, and after an emergency operation, staging scans and then pet scan, I would say just being there and taking brief notes on what the medical people say can be most helpful to the patient. it is hard for us to process all the information being given in each meeting and even harder for the patient.  So quietly taking brief notes to look at after the meeting can be very helpful