Request for info as im a very scared mum

  • 6 replies
  • 44 subscribers

My adult son has just had his cancer diagnosis confirmed today by telephone. He has his meeting on Monday but they wouldn't tell him anything on the phone ie stage its at or is it treatable. Is this usual? 

  • Sorry to hear your news. It is quite normal at the point of diagnosis to not know staging and/or treatment options. There will need to be some further tests to find all of the details and this all usually happens quite quickly. I understand it’s a scary time for you and your son but hopefully you will know more very soon. The waiting can often be one of the hardest parts. Wishing you all the best. 

  • Thank you AM123, as you can imagine we are all shell shocked to say the least. Hopefully Monday will help us to know what he will be dealing with. Hes had CT TAP and MRI Scans is there more? 

  • Apologies, I’ve been away for work. Did you get any more info? 

  • Hi yes he had his consultation and needs further scans as inconvulsive to whether its spread to his liver. Not good but we are keeping positive PET scan next week so they will stage it and plan his treatment x

  • Good to hear things are moving quickly. Hoping for the best outcome for your son.
    My dad was diagnosed with spinal metastases about two months ago, and being at risk of spinal cord compression, he’s supposed to have an MRI within one week. He’s just got his date through today (1st Jan).

  • Goodness that's an awfully long time to wait. We were told there's a 2 week target when fast tracked, which my son was. So it would seem my son is having very good care, hes also been referred to Christies in Manchester for the PET scan who are supposed to be one of the best which we are grateful for. My kindest of thoughts and prayers for your dad I do hope he remains positive and has the best of outcomes.