Feeling Angry

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Please help , my husband was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer with bone metastasis about 2 months ago. This came out of the blue after the GP was treating him since June with sciatica, never saw him face to face regarding this . I’ve now had to quit my job , they’ve given him 6 months to live without any treatment, a year maybe more with !! 
I can’t stop my anger , can’t sleep and don’t eat much lost a stone myself in weight . The Palliative care nurses came into my home and I had to intervene in his care ( I am a nurse by trade of 38 years ) they were dealing with stuff that they even commented in my kitchen to each other one time that she didn’t know much about . I even had to ask them to resite his syringe driver more frequently because he was getting very sore !! 
his first time at the macmillan unit will stay with me forever, they basically sat him down , no explanation of what they were going to do all they said was hello my name is …. Just going to get a hDisappointedt pack for the back of your hand , slapt it on and started to get the IV ready , didn’t even look the side I was on !! Their rational was they explain everything after they have started !!! ( wow neDisappointedr !!) the nurses were robots !! I was ashamed to watch it feel so sad DisappointedDisappointed