I’m struggling

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My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 sslc two weeks ago , he’s really struggling with the diagnosis as it came from a routine blood test which showed low sodium which in turn revealed sslc that’s spread , how can I keep him positive ?

  • Hey Leona!

    Pardon my ignorance what is sslc??  My husband is going through bowel cancer treatment at the moment. He was on CAPOX, and they had to take him off it because mid cycle No4 he took really ill. We found out his cancer had spread to his pelvis and a very slight node showing in his lung. They don't know if they will be starting him on any more chemo and we need to wait until we go back next week to find out if he will be fit enough to go through it. It's hard to keep them positive I'm having a job with Jay. At the moment all he wants to do is sit in a chair watching TV that can be his full day that or just going to bed. Been trying to get him up and about maybe out for walks but the war cry is `I can't` but he can get up in the morning to make himself a cup of tea and then as soon as I get up its `can you get me this` `can you get me that` some days if we're not going anywhere, he won't even get out of his pyjamas. I had to actually tell him to go and give himself a wash and shave yesterday as he hadn't done it for a couple of days, and he just looked really dirty. He usually asks me to cut his hair for him too. During lockdown he invested in clippers because everyone was buying them to cut their own hair. He's lucky he just shaves his head and he's usually quite particular about that when his hair gets to a certain length and it annoys him but recently, he just couldn't care less. He was always in the kitchen experimenting with food after watching the TV chefs but that's not happening now either and now it's just what I throw together for us. Then he'll shout to me when I'm in the kitchen to tell me how to make stuff and I'll say `do you want to come and do it`? and it's `you know I can't` other than come in and just do it he's shouts instructions to me through the door. Our son has had a word with him too about getting out and about but it's falling on deaf ears. His mobility is a bit limited but they say some exercise can help but he's just not wanting to do it and now I worry that when we go back to see the oncologist they won't put him through the other chemo regime because they ask how are, how is your engergy levels etc. and if they are zilch, I feel they won't do anything with him but I think he has resigned to the fact that he has just given up and that scares me. Take Care

    Vicky x

  • Hey vicki , sslc is small cell lung cancer , my husband is the opposite , he’s out cycling and lifting weights also walking ,he’s not resting when he needs to just keeps pushing himself so hard like he has something to prove . He’s always been a fit guy but now we are at the point that he is hurting himself eg pulled muscles but won’t give in . His cancer is also in his liver and adrenal gland so he really needs to try and take it easy as he is on a fluid reduction also . I don’t want him to lie down and give up but I just want him to ease up 

  • You're so lucky that at least your hubby is doing something to help to combat this and at least take his mind off his diagnosis but then again I suppose too much exercise can but just as bad as too little. I don't want mine to give up either I just want him to find the fight in him somewhere but he won't even look for it. Take Care. 

  • Hi Leona

    I am so sorry to read this!

    My dad has recently been diagnosed with SCLC and was due to start chemoradiation...but his sodium levels are low (caused by the SCLC) so treatment is delayed.  It is in his lun|g and chest and we worry that it has been 2 months since diagnosis and it may have spread as we waits for his sodium levels to increase again.

    Is your husband going to have treatment?   How are things now?  Also, how are you coping?

    Nance x 

  • im finding the same with my partner.i work full time .and come home to him led on sofa .he has not washed or shaved .its like he has given up altogether.this bone cancer has really changed him.i cant speak to him because he makes an argument out of everythng .and i mean everything.im getting stressed over it and dare i say it resent him at times.he is waiting to start chemo.love to you x

    • Are you in my life?,I can't remember when the half had a shower. He's very low and has been pit on Antidepressants.  I'm just hoping that they will lift him and make hom feel more himself.  Why does it feel as though you neither have nor have not a relationship?
  • Same my oh is always on the chair , sleeps downstairs,  I'm so sad as I see other people going out together,  he's not been anywhere since July last year obviously apart from appointments,  I work full time and I'm struggling,  I find it unbelievable there is no support anywhere 

  • The support is hard to find. This thing is monstrous but not excuse I believe for poor behaviour or unkindness.  I'm worth more than that and so are you. I find getting out and doing my own thing beneficial.  At least I can leave for an afternoon. 

    I've asked if he can empathise.  Also if he still wants a relationship.  The answer was yes, he's trying to empathise when I ask. Still it's a lonely old road so I give myself a hug now and again xx

    Try and do something that will make you happy for a moment xxx

  • Totally agree with you.  I find that getting out with kids, dog or horse is sometimes the only thing stopping me getting in the car and just driving.... anywhere!  I feel so alone most of the time, husband is only interested in watching tv and complaining.  I know it's an awful illness (he's had radiotherapy for bladder cancer, which has left bowel problems and he's not sleeping at night) but even just the odd positive word would be lovely!  Add to that the guilt at feeling like this when it's him that is ill 

  • No kids here. So you are doing amazingly well. We all are just brilliant not to have left. Out on a pony you can be totally in the moment.  What a relief!