Lung Cancer

  • 3 replies
  • 46 subscribers

My husband had prostate cancer in March this year and has now been diagnosed with Lung cancer, I am absolutely devastated and struggling with trying to process the shocking news.  He had a brain scan and we are waiting for a pet scan to determine what cancer it is and if it has spread.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Sending love and strength.


  • Hi

    Sorry to hear about your husband and the impact this has on both of you. Many of us know the pain of waiting for results, waiting to find out about a treatment plan and all the other things and all the while thinking the cancer is galloping away - even if that turns out not to be true.

    The chief bit of advice would be know when the next appointment is and then make the most of every day because no amount of worry will change the outcome - I had to learn that the hard way as I could easily imagine how bad things might get and that stopped me from enjoying what I had in front of me.

    If we look at Your feelings when someone has cancer if can help to focus on how we might be feeling and acknowledge that without it being overwhelming. Sharing on here or calling the helpline are great ways of sharing the load.



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  • Hi Steve, thank you for taking the time to respond and the useful link.   It all helps with the agony of waiting.  We got our appointment for the PET scan for Wednesday, it was such a relief that we didn't have to wait too long.

    All the best

  • Hi Harmony, I found myself in a similar position about 18 months ago. I was terrified. My advice would be to stop using Google. A lot of the information is outdated and inaccurate as there are many amazing new treatments out there for lung cancer. My second tip is to try and live in the moment. Be thankful for the day and find the joy in the day. Try not to think about the past or the future and concentrate on the now. The medical professionals will create a plan and figure out the best course of action, you and your husband should concentrate on living your best life together right now. Be strong for each other and try and communicate as much as possible. Also don't be ashamed to see your own GP if you're struggling with anxiety, as they can help you manage it, and allow you to be the calm strength your husband needs. I'm wishing you good luck in your journey, and sending you best wishes. I hope it goes well for you both xx