The dreaded C word - Christmas

  • 11 replies
  • 48 subscribers

I don’t know if my dad will still be with us at Christmas. I certainly hope so, but even so, I’ll 99% certain it will be our last together (always have that 1% hope that a miracle will occur).

It’s a standing joke within my family about how much I love Christmas, I am a Christmas film personified. However, this year, all it brings me is sadness. How do you cope with it? What presents do you buy someone who is terminally ill? How do I make it a special day and not just emotionally break down the entire time? 

  • Hi Vicky, 

    I can certainly empathise with that. We believed my dad was fully clear of his prostate cancer from years ago, his PSA levels are still undetectable even now. He has a double nephrostomy fitted too