How can I help

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  • 44 subscribers

My husband was diagnosed with stomach cancer in February and only offered palliative care. He had radiotherapy two months ago to try to shrink the tumour. The treatment seemed to completely wipe him out and since then he has lost an awful lot of weight and is so weak and unable to do all the things he is used to do.  He finds eating so difficult and I have tried everything possible from the suggested meals. His taste has altered and everything tastes strange and unappetising and although he obsesses about food  and what he can eat every meal is a tressed ordeal. It take him so long to eat anything and feels as if he cannot eat any more after a few mouthfuls. I feel so helpless. I want to help him . He knows I am there with him every step of the way and  always will be. 
I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a mastectomy in July. I have recovered well and  I am cancer free now. I wish that there was a cure for my husband and it is distressing to see him so weak and he hates seeing me doing the things he has always done . He was always such a confident man who  made his own decisions . 

  • Hi

    So sorry to hear about your husband, the eating question is one that comes up quite frequently between carers and their loved ones. If we look at your feelings when somebody has cancer we can see perhaps the importance of looking after ourselves - I know I did not do that too well at times.

    You might find some help too in our pages on eating problems we can note as carers the impact this has on us.



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  • Thank you for your help I have looked at all the suggested pages and they indeed are useful. I feel guilty when my husband cannot eat what is prepared as if it is my fault. as I did not choose the right food even when he has asked for the very thing. I want to ask all the time how he is although I know it is unnecessary . I so want to make things better. He is to have a stent inserted to help him with eating. I am very concerned about it but my husband says that he is ready for it as he can’t carry on as he is. Has any one else experience of this procedure. 

    X Coral 
