New to group

  • 4 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi I'm new to the group. My mam has bowel cancer which she cannot have treatment for due to other health conditions. I'm her carer and am just finding things difficult at the moment and feel so lonely.

  • Hi Kala, I’m also new to the group and just did my first post. Thought I’d reach out to let you know I’ hear what your saying. It’s such a difficult situation to deal with and until your going through it you can’t comprehend how it feels.
    i am also struggling mentally & physically to juggle my Dad who’s declining rapidly, all the medical staff and appointments & running his home as well as my two girls 12 & 16, husband & my job, i work full time in a demanding management  role & up until 3 months ago looked after my Dad on my own. I feel like I am being pulled all over the place and not giving anyone my full attention.  I talk to my husband & friends about how I feel but just felt I needed to come here to talk to people in a similar position. I am more than happy to talk to you if you want to.

  • Hi, so I can empathise with your situation. This is a terrible rollercoaster ride, and the frustration of not being able to fix your Dad can be overwhelming. Speaking to fam and friends is one thing, some have to offer help and solutions (unhelpful) or don't know what to say. Personally I need someone to listen without all the "you have to be brave for them" or "you have to keep positive" etc.

    If you want to chat I am here too.  

  • Hi Horsemad, thank you for your message. Sorry to hear your devastating news and that your also struggling. I am too working full-time in a demanding management role. It's so difficult juggling appointments, looking after my mam especially having to stay with her when she is poorly. I talk to family and friends but feel I can never really say exactly how I am feeling. 

  • Thank you for taking the time to reply. My Dad sadly passed away yesterday morning. Did it his way again, wanted to stay at home, fought right till the end, me & my brother were with him the whole time.