
  • 5 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi.   I am thinking of speaking to someone face to face.   Has anybody had any experiences of this and would it help.  I have

lots of friends and family but they don’t really understand.  I want to stay strong for my husband and think this may be the way to go as I can offload all my feelings in those sessions 

husbands cancer has progressed and he is now terminal.   It’s a terrifying situation and I will take all the help I can. 

  • Hi Loz66 

    sorry to hear that things have progressed. 

    Counselling isn't something I've gone for yet (still don't feel quite ready to talk) but my 22 year old daughter had a few sessions with a counsellor. My husband is terminal and my daughter found the sessions helpful

    There are several routes in to getting some support. You could call the MacMillan help line (the number is below) or perhaps talk to your GP or local hospice. It may also be something your employer can offer so its worth asking.

    Also remember this group is here for you too so please reach out anytime. There's always someone around who gets it, someone to listen, to hold your hand and to offer that virtual hug when its needed.

    Sending you a huge virtual hug, love and light. Stay strong.

    love n hugs

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi I don’t think it can make things worse and you may find it useful to talk to someone who’s not emotionally involved. I’ve just referred myself to a local counselling service as I wasn’t finding it easy to talk to family and friends even though they kept offering a listening ear. Try it and see how you find it, I’m sure you’ll know quickly if it’s right for you.

    Sending best wishes

  • Thank you.   I think I am going to try it

  • Go for it! I had a series of counselling sessions (through work) soon after my partner's diagnosis. We talked about different things but it was SO helpful.  Just being able to say things out loud to someone who didn't judge was good. And having someone else acknowledge how I was feeling was ok made a big difference. (And if you hate it, you can always stop.)

  • Hi.   I’m going to give it a go.   Just need to find the right people.    Thank you