Daughter of Mum with Secondary Breast Cancer

  • 6 replies
  • 48 subscribers

I'm totally new to this forum but something came over me tonight to seek some extra support from people who are maybe in a similar situation to me. My mum has secondary breast cancer, shes been doing well on treatment for 2.5 years but we've just found out she has some 'suspicious activity' on her adrenal gland and spine. I have great friends but at 31 years old none of them are dealing with a situation like this. Sometimes I feel emotionally detached from the situation, like kind of numb to it all. I'm my mums only daughter and she has very little support from friends and family. Me, my 2 year old and my husband are her only support really. We are very close and always have been. I feel that the cancer is such a massive part of my life and consumes my entire soul daily. I still am a relatively happy person and share such happy times with my family but its always there in the background. It would be great to speak to someone in a similar situation, even to just talk about 'normal things'. Thanks for reading xxx

  • Hello

    I wanted to reach out to you. I can completely relate to how you are feeling. My mum has recently been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer in her liver. She is finally starting  treatment next week. She had breast cancer 5 years ago and it feels like a shock that she’s been diagnosed with secondary cancer. My family like yours is incredibly close, although we are trying to stay as positive as possible and distract ourselves nothing has felt the same since my mum got diagnosed. The diagnosis consumes my thoughts and although my friends and boyfriend have been so supportive it’s hard for them to truly understand how it feels.

    I have my fingers crossed for positive news for your mum! Sending you a big hug. I am always here if you’d like to talk.  

  • Thanks so much for your reply, it's made me feel so much better just knowing that even one person can relate. I remember the shock feeling very well, my mum also had breast cancer 10 years previous to this and I just assumed it would never come back. I'm so glad to hear your mum starts treatment soon, sending so many positive vibes your way! I always try to think this is my 'new normal' but it doesn't seem normal at all some days. Like you I also do things to distract, go for days out etc but it's just there all the time. Sometimes I have a couple of hours where I haven't thought about it then boom there it is again. Thanks so much talking. Lots of hugs to you :) xx

  • Hi, i just read your post and couldnt scroll past without replying..

    my mom has also been diagnosed with metastatic cancer with unknown primary at the min.. its in her liver lung and spine and she is waiting for treatment. Im 32 with an almost 3yr old and a 7month old and im the only child.. my husband and I are so close to her we are really all she has in terms of support so i knoe exactly how you feel. Im currently on maternity leave but return in january and already feel extremely anxious about how i will juggle so many things at once. Im cooking for her throughoit the week and weekend to make sure she is having good meals and her pain is getting worse very quickly its so scary. 
    just know you are not alone, unfortunately there are so many people like us its so heartbreaking.

    i hope all goes well for your mom and family xx

  • hi my thoughts are with you. I ve had an amazing 2 years with my mum, i am an only child but lots older than you (although it doesnt matter when its your mum) I feel cancer overwhelms you and takes your whole being with it.  We are at end of life care now but i have found this community helpful and try to keep busy as that dulls it slightly, i think one day at a time is the only way, although that is so hard, people say stay strong which you will but it is so so hard.  You are in my thoughts xxxxxx

  • I can completely relate to your post and the replies from others. My mum has Stage 4 breast cancer, diagnosed last Nov. It's been a tough year, waking every morning and first thing you think of is 'Cancer'. I'm an only child. Married with my own 2 kids. I feel trapped, like our lives are on hold, then I feel guilty and ashamed. My mum dad will not discuss death or what will happen. We had appointment today, last CT scan all is stable and the treatment to slow the spread is working. I should be on cloud nine. I'm just drained (I was expecting bad news as mum had had some back pain). Now all I can think of is the next scan and this cycle all over again. It feels like the world's worst ever rollercoaster. I am in a constant cycle of keeping going, preparing for the worst, then positive news. But I can't let my guard down and relax. I just don't know what is wrong with me. Mum can also be demanding, impatient and just gets worked up over things. I know in her shoes I'd be the same (or worse) but it's just tough some days.

  • Hi there lovely, I know I’m a bit late to the party so to speak but I can relate a little, my sister has just been diagnosed with bowel cancer & it’s been a tough couple months she starts treatment soon & have ops too, but we are a really close family too, I have my own family whereas my sister doesn’t so my kids are as close to her as anything, I do kind of try & do fun things with my family & I go once every now & again with my friends but I feel incredibly guilty when I do but think I’d go insane if there wasn’t some kind of normality in my life, always here for a chat.

    much love camielle xx