Feeling Angry helpless annoyed and every horrible feeling

  • 2 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Mum is 84 she has melonoma in her leg she gets immune therepy and laser treatment this week laser treatment went ok then we had huge bleed called ambulance they came put pressure bandage on it and its stopped bleeding.  District nurse wont come out as she wont deal with bleeding..

Tomorow we have a scan to check cancer has not spread I am so worried mums legs are so so bad she can hard,y move my mind is in over drive i cant stop it.

I think its bad i cant think straight i hate everything & everyone just now is this normal or am i just horrible

  • Hi

    So sorry to hear about your mum that does sound very challenging and it is zero wonder you are so distressed.

    From your message to me it is very clear you are not horrible, if we look at Your feelings when someone has cancer you can see now perfectly normal these feelings are. Sometimes just be recognizing this is can help us cope with what otherwise can easily be overwhelming.



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  • Definitely normal , you feel why is this happening to you while the world around you getting on , you'll be angry at the pain she's going through, deep breath