Working while husband having chemo

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My husband has just been diagnosed with inoperable osephegeous cancer, that has spread to his liver and lungs, so is now unable to be operated on, after being told 1 week before that it hadn't spread and he could have the op. We are waiting for an appointment at Christies, where he will be having chemo. I am absolutely terrified of what the future may hold for him and us, im also worrying how we will manage, as we are both self employed and I have a part time employed role as well, so if we don't work we don't get paid, I have only had my paid role 2 months so not entitled to leave. How have you managed to juggle work, caring and appointments, do the majority of people have to give up their jobs or take time off? 

  • I'm also worrying I'm using up annual leave every week just going to the diagnostic appointments. I have no idea what we're going to do either. I think you have to look at all the scenarios. I know I don't want to sell the house but I'm even looking at changing the mortgage so we can drop the payments right down.  I'm worried about him quitting work and getting bored and more down and consumed by it all. 

  • It's crazy isn't it, in a blink of eye our worlds can be turned upside down. My husband will def have to give up his business it's a really physically job outside. I've started looking at stuff to keep him busy, while we're all out, my daughter is trying to get him some PS4 games and I've been looking at marvel lego, just some fun things that won't be too tiring for him.

    1. My partner thought he would be able to work unfortunately the chemo was very hard and he is on the sick but was only on probation is on measly ssp , we have a morgage so now only me working,  I was lucky I do nights as I work on the bank so could go to them ,the most important ones I think are the consultant appointment if he's doing chemo there's not much you can do I didn't go to all of them 
  • Hi @sunshine91 and others - do consider giving the helpline a ring and talking to the work support service. as they have much more experience on issues and support for people either in employment or not.



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  • It's so crazy all the plans gone now.  I'm really sorry they changed your operation. That's the only thing that's keeping us going. I suppose this could happen to us too. I was hoping he'd get some DIY done on good days but in reality that's probably harder than his job. I'm just numb the more I think about things the bigger hopeless hole I go down

  • I'm hoping once we know the treatment plan we can  work it out, it's just the not knowing, still awaiting 1st appointment with a consultant at Christies 

  • Yeah I think it's just taking one day at a time, especially when chemo starts

  •  Hiya, not sure if he is eligible as self-employed, but has he applied for PIP or ESA? 
    My husband was in receipt of SSP via his employer but because it takes so long for PIP and ESA (around 12 weeks) to be reviewed, we were at risk of having no income once the SSP finished. You have to wait until SSP finishes before being eligible to claim ESA so there will always be a void period. Fortunately my husband had some holiday pay he could request whilst he was waiting for the claim but they didn’t tell us you can apply prior to SSP expiring, you just won’t receive the payment of ESA prior to 28 weeks after the start of SSP.

    Happy to guide you through the process if you need help x