Dying at home

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My partner is home from a stay in the hospice.  Our living room is now her bedroom and we (our 2 dogs and me) are sleeping with her.  I know, as does she, that she is dying and I don’t think she’ll be here once October ends.  I’m scared I’m not going to cope with all her personal care needs.  They don’t want to give her a catheter as they are concerned it will create more stress/symptoms as she isn’t drinking very much.  They put pads on her but she woke me at 2 this morn8ng already out of bed wanting the commode.  She’s so weak and frail having watched the weight drip away (over 3 stone in 2 months) but is still taller and larger than me (I’m 5 ft and under 7 stone) so I’m not strong enough to lift her on my own.  She said maybe I need to go back to the hospice but I know its not what she wants, or I and as I said we’ve got this far.   We have 2 carers in every morning - so far a different 2 each day, and more often than not she has sent them away.  I know I have district nurse team I can call on but it feels so lonely.  Everyone tells you you aren’t but you kind of are if it’s hard to reach out.

the hospice has lovely people but I didn’t find them of support to me - they said when we went in ‘we’re here for you as her wife and carer’ but nothing was forthcoming.  I actively asked and a nurse said I’ve emailed the counsellor but nothing.  After my partner came home I got a call asking if I’d like any complimentary therapies.  Shed been in there for 10 days and I had presumed that I would be offered this while I was visiting.  It’s been a truly rubbish journey for her (from diagnosis to end of life care in under 2 and a half months) and without actually seeing an oncologist f2f.  She’s asked me to put in a complaint and sue them ‘ when I’ve gone’.  Hideous.  I feel so close do being ‘done’.  I know I’ll see this out as I made that promise so I will.  And I will endeavour to get this right for her.  I’m just scared.  

  • I do feel for you, it’s an awful experience you are going through. And it’s one I know I’m going to face a little way down the line. It’sa great shame your Hospice isn’t proving better support for both of you. Although you are clearly the primary carer aren’t there any family or close friends who could give you some support?  Meanwhile, be as kind to yourself as you can. Best wishes Moira

  • Hi Moira, thank you, it is really hard.  And I’m sorry you’ll be treading this path but  hopefully not soon.  Most of our family are all in another area of the country so not close but have been to stay/visit   My partners been really clear that she doesn’t want everyone here and in truth nor would I.    We’ve some good friends and neighbours but I’m finding it really hard to step aside as I kind of feel she’s in her last week.  Friend came over today and I took our dogs for a run - find myself just crying as soon as I take any time.  Palliative team - district nurses and palliative nurse from hospice are lovely but at the end of the day it’s just me and my honey.  

    Best wishes to you too 

  • I know exactly how you feel…it’s such a hard sad journey for the sufferer and the carer… grim