I can't do this *poss triggers*

  • 3 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Ok this might be long and upset some but I really need to get this out.

I feel like I can't do this anymore and it's no just my partner that's making me feel like that.  The local hospice isn't helping either!

I met my partner 2 years ago, we started looking for a place to live together last March then he was told he had end stage cancer.  So we decided to hold off as we thought neither of  us could physically or mentally cope with moving.  That was all fine until today.  I've been basically told I can't have any input into my partners care etc because I don't live with him!!!!!

I'm the one who's been sorting everything.  FFS he nearly died last Friday and is only making sense today yet they're taking his confused state over me!!!

I get we're not married but I feel like they've just shut me out of everything!

Add to that, the bloody useless consultant finally saw him today after he'd been in hospital since THURSDAY and all she said was he wasn't fit enough to restart chemo by which he now thinks she means he will get fitter therefore he can start chemo and everything will be fine!

He's grumpy, miserable and snappy which is nothing like him but I'm the one getting the brunt of it and today I'm totally burnt out.

Honestly if I didn't love him so much I would walk away today.  I have health issues and I'm trying to keep myself as healthy as possible but it's hard.  Now I've got this crap.  

I just want to curl up and cry.

Oh and just to add to things my council bungalow just failed it's electrical inspection and I've got clear signs of subsidence so it looks like I've got to move through all this anyway!!

I thought 2020 was bad, then 2021 was worse now 2022!!!!  I don't want to know whats going to happen next year!

  • Horrible, horrible, I'm so sorry. Could he write a signed note saying he's happy for them to involve you? Ring MacMillan's helpline, I'm sure you're not the first one in this situation. Very best wishes.

  • Thanks, he's going to try telling them when they go to see him.  But it doesn't change the way I was treated.  It's wrong and hurts.  

  • Dear Vixxie,

    i can only echo lovingheart. That’s a tough tough time you are both having.

       I know it is really hard to think of other things at the moment ,it is the present time you are having to cope with and manage, and not knowing how strong your partner is to process thought of future care but would he consider giving you power of attorney? Do you have the energy to do this…you can download forms from the govt website.

    it is hard to stay strong and can totally feel for you.

    sending a big hug.

    Take a deep breath ... then on with the day.