Struggling to cope

  • 15 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Sadly we had a difficult discussion with my Mums oncology team this morning when we were told that her liver cancer had spread and was to advanced to attempt any treatment. 

We only got a diagnosis at the end of August and since then it feels like my world has changed completely as the decline seen has been so scary and so cruel.  Mum was originally offered an operation to remove the the tumour completely but the rapid growth and spread of the cancer took away all hope of a cure and now treatment also. 

I am terrified I will not be able to cope with what is to come both mentally and physically, I am more worried about my mum and her mental state, she is currently in hospital and I hate thinking of her on her own, at this time especially. Has anyone got advice on how to manage emotions and the crippling levels of anxiety that are currently overwhelming. I have 2 young children and need to stay strong to keep some normality in our family home. Thank you all in advance and I am saddened to see so many of you have to go through similar experiences. 

  • I thought it would help knowing but now i wish i didnt know as each hour of each day scares me. Sometime feels like your legs cant hold u up.  keep me updated xxxx

  • Wishing you strength to continue, one step at a time is the only way to live at the moment. My Mum came home from hospital today to a barrage of calls from district nurses and hospice teams but I have never felt so alone and isolated!  Please keep in touch and I hope you find time each day to look after yourself. Xxx

  • think they must be at roughly the same stage we had district nurses, mcmillan last week they are amazing but the minute they arent there its scary.  Finding time for me doesnt seem to happen.  We must keep in touch you can private message me if you would rather use that xxxxxxxx

  • i think i ve just sent you a request (i think) brain not working well   xx

  • You did and I have accepted thank you. I am new to this site and not great with technology so apologies if I don’t get back to you promptly! X