Reaching Out

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  • 44 subscribers

Hello everyone! This is not a journey that is chosen or wanted. It begins with the actions leading up to hearing the words "you have cancer". We are still coming to terms with my mum's diagnosis. We have had very little time to think about the cancer as one minute she was fine and walking two hours every day and then undergoing emergency surgery with limited mobility now. We have her first oncology appointment tomorrow to discuss diagnosis which we know is stage four - primary kidney, spine and lungs. The surgery was to secure her spine as the cancer was compressing her spinal cord. We will also discuss prognosis and treatment options. I've become my mum's full-time carer and have huge amounts of respect for anyone that has to do this. I'm a single parent of two children and being pulled pilar to post, but will do anything to support my mum through these dark days. Mums not ready to talk to anyone, but I wanted to reach out and join a community where just being able to talk and express yourself will make a difference.

  • Hi sorry to hear your awful news. I hope you’ll be assigned a lovely Macmillan nurse who will help you navigate through the help available. 

    It’s a roller coaster emotionally, there’s no escaping that, but try and be strong and insist that you get the help that you need from GP, District nurse teams etc. You may have to push depending on what the teams are like - all likely to be overstretched. Take care of yourself as much as you possibly can. 

  • Thank you for reaching out - means a lot. Mum has been assigned a urology cancer nurse support worker following her appointment with oncology yesterday. She hopes to start radiotherapy next week or the week after - one off for five days. They have then recommended taking a course of drugs, but the side effects are awful and mums not sure if she wants to spend her limited time being unwell. Tough decision to be made in a few weeks. I'm naturally a strong person and so is my mum so that is seeing us through. I've learnt to push for things already and you are right, everyone is over stretched.  Me time - don't know what that is anymore apart from going to the gym which I make time for as it sets me up for the day ahead. I hope this finds you well x