Husbands Diagnosis

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  • 45 subscribers


My husband has recently been diagnosed with Stage 3 non-small cell lung cancer and if I am being honest the last 8 months have been a rollercoaster.  He was unwell over christmas/new year last year with pneumonia which resulted in our GP sending him for an x-ray as she didn't like the sound of his cough - that then turned into a series of CT scan, biopsies, PET scan, bronchoscopy, mri brain scan, ultrasound, colonscopy to remove 4 polyps to then starting 4 cycles of Chemo (2 different doses) and immunotheraphy.    To be honest I don't think our feet have touched the ground in those last 8 months from being told there is a 3cm area in the right lower lobe of his right lung, cancer cells in his chest and an area in his neck.   He has now finished his 4 cycles of chemo which have been horrendous for him - mostly the severe leg pain from the Filgrastrim injections I have had to give him for 7 days after each cycle.   It has been emotionally hard and draining watching your loved one go through something very similar to my mum who I lost to Lung Cancer nearly 10 years so it has been hard to think and believe that i wont go through that again.  

We have had some positive news that the cancer has shrunk to over half in his lung and that there are no new cancer cells that have developed - receiving that news has made the above journey feel worth it for him knowing that everything he has been and going through has helped.   We have another appt with his oncologist on Thursday to talk about the next steps.   

I have come on here to see if anyone else has experienced the same kind of rollercoaster journey with their partner, wife, husband and how they have come to terms and how they have managed to care for their loved one.

Thank you x

  • Yes my husband was diagnosed with Mesothelioma in January but we knew just before Xmas.  In the nov 2021 his breathing became ruttly, I took him to the hospital, we were on holiday. They drained a litre of red fluid off his lung. We flew home for investigations. Ct scans before Xmas, then biopsy January which confirmed the worst.  Chemo started in May 2022, he has had 5 cycles and has done amazing. Just 1 more chemo next week, then watch and wait.  Maybe then immunotherapy? It is very hard to deal with, the highs and lows, the chemo had shrunk the cancer after chemo 3….. will know a bit more after next week I expect. The not knowing is the worst.  We seem to be coping a bit better, I feel that for 3 months I was grieving, I was shockingly tearful. We were both in shock. Getting our heads round things now, take each day as it comes and we are trying to live life as normal as we can until we can’t …. Sad 

  • Hi

    For rollercoaster journey - well if you click on my name at the top of the message it takes you to my profile where much of it is written.

    When I talk at work about what I have been through people are often sympathetic, sometimes overly or call me inspirational and ask wonderful questions like "how to you cope?" - it can be tempting to crash to the floor and cry but it might seem unprofessional.

    The key life lesson I had to learn was how to look after me - not because it is selfish or anything else but because my wife needs me healthy. A living with less stress course was really helpful in learning to live more in the here and now and also how to control breathing when life throws us a curveball.

    On here we have quite a good set of information Looking after someone with cancer because it can be really hard work but very rewarding too.

    The best bet though it just keep talking - especially on here where we just understand and can hold on tight and scream when needed.



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