Now Mums carer and feel so alone and low

  • 4 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

Mum got her diagnosis of secondary breast caner that has spread to her liver and bones a few weeks ago and since then my world has been turned upside down. She has moved in with me and I just feel like I can't cope. I think it is the shock and also not knowing what to do. Initially I was signed off at work but I am in a new role and do not get sick pay so have gone back today. I am a social worker so my job is to support others. I feel that this is something I am desperately struggling with but can't face applying for other jobs at the moment. 

Mum and I get on well but I find it so hard having her around so much and watching her suffer, she keeps positive but I can't seem to, I have had mental health struggles before and am concerned that I am slipping back to that unhealthy place. I know I have strategies that can help me but can't seem to apply them at the moment. I think the biggest thing is this feeling of uselessness and like I am not good at anything. I guess this relates to knowing that she won't get better but it is hard to think this as she is chatting away to her friends like everything is normal. People are aware of what is going on and I have to listen to her talking about it a lot. 

I feel like my friends are all busy moving on with their lives and I am stuck in this living nightmare unable to plan things or think into the future. My partner lives with me, she is supportive and I know she cares, I just feel like a drain and not the upbeat happy person I used to be.

Not sure if anyone can relate to this or help, I just think maybe I need to talk, I met someone from the local hospice that I can have counselling with which I think will help but she hasn't contacted me since my assessment last week so that hasn't started yet. I also feel selfish for even moaning about these things when I am not the one who is facing what Mum is.

  • Hi

    I would like to really thank you for your post if will echo with so many of our friends on here - the best club we want nobody to join.

    I get what you mean about strategies, when I have received help I recognize exactly the techniques people use but somehow they don't work on ourselves. Perhaps the most important message though is you are not at all selfish - caring for a loved one is really hard but like anything of that ilk can be really rewarding. 

    It can be easy to thing we are separate from the world but what I found when I "came out" at work was how many people were actually dealing with something very similar. We all know the statistics on cancer but somehow think our family will be immune, cancer is certainly not the easiest of topics to being up over a coffee.



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  • You’re not selfish at all so please don’t think that. You’re trying to take in the news that your mum has secondary breast cancer which is a lot to deal with and takes longer than a couple of weeks to process. when you first hear that news it’s the unknown that’s frightening, what is ahead for both of you. 

    My husband had an assessment with a local hospice and things don’t happen very quickly but if you feel you’re struggling with everything then follow it up with a call, I’m sure they won’t mind. 
    If you have a Maggies centre near you, they are there to support family as well as anyone diagnosed with cancer. And you can always call the Macmillan nurses or Breast Cancer Now to talk to someone. 
    Friends are great and I’m sure they will support you if they can but they don’t always really understand how you’re feeling and what you’re dealing with. They can support in other ways such as meeting for a coffee or to do something you enjoy to have a break from the situation you’re in. 

    It’s a difficult time for you all but there is help out there xx 

    Lucy x 
  • Thanks so much for replying, I have been in a bit of a daze the last week or so and not known what to reply or how to manage. Things are much the same and I am getting more behind with my work, considering giving up but then would not survive financially. 

  • Thank-you for replying, still in much the same place and worrying about everything. The one thing that is going well is my relationship thankfully but if I carry on like this I am afraid that will deteriorate too.