Finding it hard to cope

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My husband was diagnosed almost 9 years ago with renal cell carcinoma.  It’s been a roller coaster during those years with various treatments, including immunotherapy following removal of his left kidney.   After his last scan in March we were told there is no further treatment possible and he has just months to live.  I am finding the last few weeks incredibly stressful.  He’s been in hospital three times with pneumonia since last November and had a week in the Hospice in April.  He has now got yet another chest infection and his mobility is virtually nil.

Our three adult children have been so supportive but obviously they have work and young families so majority of caring is done by myself.  My husband, usually an easy going and caring man has become very demanding and difficult to care for.  This week my very close friends arranged for me to join them for an afternoon tea and my son and daughter were going to sit with my husband while I was out.  However he got extremely annoyed and said he didn’t want anyone sitting with him!  I said I would not be able to go out then as I didnt want to leave him on his own.  Our daughter said she was already on her way and when she arrived she held his hand and said that I needed to have a break.  He just said he was dying and wanted to be left alone.  This all happened ten minutes before I was due to leave and I was so upset as was my daughter.  I said I wouldn’t go but she insisted I did and told me to bathe my eyes and freshen up and go.  She persuaded her Dad that she would sit in another room with her book and he wouldn’t know she was there but that she wouldn’t go and leave him.  I did go but the shine was taken off what should have been a lovely afternoon and an early birthday treat for me.  I was on edge the whole time.  

I am starting to feel resentful that I cannot have a break at all now and although I understand he is feeling frightened of what is to come and is generally very unwell, I am so tired and emotional myself that I’m feeling it so hard to cope.  I wake each morning and dread another day the same as the last.  I feel I’m grieving even though he’s still here.  How do other careers cope when they begin to feel its such a burden.  

  • Hi Lynne C, went to visit Paul today, everything was looking good. He woke up early hours saying he had a bit of feelings coming back in his legs and looked and sounded in good spirits. Mind you he was on high dose of steroids. Then this afternoon he told me he's off to another hospital. the spinal surgeon wants to see him & his tumour which is effecting his legs. So he may be having surgery on his back. It's all go here. Anxiety overload.  



    Sending big hugs to you all

  • Oh Jodie, my heart goes out to you.  It’s one worry after another with this dreadful disease.  

    My hubby rang me this morning so distressed saying he felt as though nothing is being done to help mobilise him.  So difficult getting physios to see him.  We spoke to his consultant and doctor doing rounds this morning and expressed how he was feeling. It was obvious he was really down due to being immobile.  They have given him some exercises to do in bed and arranged for a hoist to enable him to use a commode as he was not able to use bedpan.  Hopefully things will get moving.

    Wishing you both the best outcome and if surgery is indicated, hope it goes well.  

  • I know exactly how you are feeling, my husband has secondary brain tumours 12 weeks ago we were told he only had 6 weeks. He was well for about 7 weeks and we did lots of things with family and friends. But now is getting very unwell he is getting anxious and fearful and taking his anxieties out on me, I find it really hard I love him so much but feel so upset he gets angry with me. I feel it is so hard to cope and I am so so tired. Today I thought I want this to end - then felt terrible asI know soon I will be alone. 

  • It is such a hard journey trying to keep sane and do your best for your loved one.  Somehow we manage to find the strength to carry on.  I too have wished it all to end as I am finding it so hard to see my husband so down and having to rely on others for everything when he has always been such an active man.

    Sending you hugs