Palliative diagnosis

  • 14 replies
  • 49 subscribers

My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 small cell with spread 

last October with palliative treatment the only option he decided not to know time scale and I’ve been ok with that and he has responded  quite well to treatment and embarks on radiotherapy end of this month I am just really struggling at the moment with the inevitable and don’t know how to just enjoy the time we have together and not be constantly thinking of the future any suggestions of how to cope would be really helpful thank you 

  • Our situations don't make any sense at all. I don't think they ever will.

    Having lost our battle recently so quickly, after everything going so well at the initial stages, a matter of one day being told no treatment will work and into hospice two days later, it's very hard to take. 

    I understand completely what you mean being confined to home. You/we both want/wanted to do so much but it becomes nearly or absolutely impossible. To go back and have a simple walk around to he block I would swap for anything. 

    We are not alone but we feel our pain individually.

    Take care,


  • It does thank you, there must be thousands of us going through this and feeling like this, trying to be positive and supportive for our partners and families but alot of the time its a very lonely and scary place to be. You don't have the same daily routines you used to have, the same conversations and companionship and closeness. My husband is now in palliative care in a nursing home and though I see him every day, he doesn't respond much and sleeps alot of the time - I feel like he's already left me ..........

  • Thank you everyone for you lovely words. 
    I’m still in shock. Just setting aside all my own needs and focusing on his. 
    I think I can only do this because it’s not going to be for very long 


  • Oh sweetie, my heart goes out to you. I'm so very sorry you're going through such a horrible, lonely time.

    We are always here for you.

    Sending you the biggest of hugs and lots of love. Heart️Heart️Heart️