Hard work and lonely

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  • 47 subscribers

I live in Spain where there are no support groups for carers or families. Anyway as I am British I feel more closely identified here. My husband had bowel cancer and then got septicaemia. During lockdown he was in hospital for 15 days and I was only allowed in once when he was at rock bottom. It was easier not to see him which makes me feel so ashamed. When he came out the chemotherapy started amd his mood was up and down, mostly angry and scared and he shouted at me or the dogs. The last scan showed peritoneal cancer and two small lung nodules. More chemotherapy followed. I love him dearly and hate to think this won’t work but I am exhausted and his comments can be cruel. Now we are waiting for the next operation and the pre operation visit is on 5 May. How do you cope when everyone calls him but no one thinks of his partner? I know I sound really selfish and horrible but it is my cancer too and I wish he could understand that.

  • Bless you. Is he receiving (or been offered) any counselling?


    • I did call the mental health but he kept saying he was alright , which clearly he isn’t x Expressionless
  • You take care too . I’m always called selfish for what I don’t know I’ve done everyone can for that man . X 

  • I've just written quite a long reply to you .... and it's disappeared!!! (Most  annoying!)

    Basically, I was suggesting that you contact your nearest Macmillan Support Centre. You need more support ... and they are amazing. 

    You sound so alone. I know that feeling so well ... but I haven't felt like that since I went to see them. Please think about it, lovely. You will be so glad you did.

    Sending you huge virtual hugs xxx

  • It must be doubly difficult when they're being cruel - we give up a lot to be there for them but I think they just get totally obsessed with their cancer. Up to now my husband hasn't had that reaction. He's more manipulative in the way he reacts to the odd occasions when I go out to meet friends, looking forlorn and hard done by although he's totally able to go out himself but choses not to. I ask him how he's feeling and he just says 'fine' then winces - just makes you feel bad. I really understand that it's a horrible illness but the odd time he gets maudlin saying he won't be here long I can't help reminding him that there's also a great chance that I could go before him. I could go on and on....but we have to hold it together.

  • Yes I try to be positive and I’m told off for that even. Oh well Disappointed

    you take care , you’re doing the best you can remember that xx