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Ugh I’m just so tired this week.  Everything is a struggle and I am always walking on eggshells as my husband will fly off the handle at the smallest provocation.  I don’t tell anyone this because I want to protect his reputation.  But I am really tired of outsiders who really don’t know how hard this is, and when you talk about something being an issue they want to tell you why it is all fine.  Yes in a normal household with normal reactions yes it would be fine.  But you need to be inside cancer to understand.

The nicest thing people can say is “I have no idea what you’re going through- if there’s anything I can do to help just let me know.”  Those people are great.  

But I’m completely out of patience with people telling me why things are going to be just fine.  I’m sure in their own heads that sounds encouraging, but to me it just means they aren’t listening.  It makes me want to say a nasty retort and that makes me feel worse.

Sorry for the downbeat post.

  • I'm in the same boat. When he shouts at me and accuses me of something I have not done I answer back and then spend the rest of the day or night feeling guilty. I wish it was me suffering not him. I hope I would be more rational but I'd probably be the same.

  • Hello I feel your pain my partner was diagnosed with O C last May . So we’ve been dealing with the roller coaster ride of it all. He’s also left and stopped at his moms, and he’s now done it again . I’ve done everything for him and he’s become ungrateful towards me . Telling me to get a life of my own that I don’t need to see him poorly. I feel so numb I don’t know what to do anymore . I can’t do right for doing wrong Expressionless 

  • Heartbreak,

    it certainly is a roller coaster all we can do is cope I remember one of my daughters telling me when she was naughty and rude to me when she was younger,it was because she new I would forgive her because I loved her. I think it’s the same .stay strong sending strength

  • Thank you so much for replying. You stay strong Muscle too . I’m tired of putting on a brave face . When I’m breaking up inside x 

  • Hello DMF. 
    I know exactly how you feel my partner was diagnosed with OC stage 4, last August. It’s been a tough one as it’s incurable. My partner has become extremely depressed all he talks about is dying. DisappointedI can’t do right for wrong I work full time and it’s very exhausting mentally and physically. He constantly complains about everything from pain to the food i buy and cook Which he won’t  eat. I had to take a break on Sunday, which he was fine about, but sadly on Monday morning (bank holiday ) he left me again . This is the third time now !! It’s very upsetting and I can’t cope anymore and don’t even know what to do . He’s cut all contact, it hurts I’ve supported him through everything taking time off work to take him to appointments and consultations . Even to A &E when he’s needed it .

    His mom says he doesn’t want to be a burden to me . Why does she keep having him back when he’s suppose to be with me ?? 

    Thanks for listening to my rant . 
    I wish you well too and take care x 

  • OMG ... You poor thing. I'm so sorry you're going through this, Heartbreak123

    I agree with you that his mother is certainly not helping the situation.

    Do you have loving friends and/or family around you? It sounds to me that you really need strong & solid support for yourself - especially emotionally.

    Always here for you XXX  Heart

  • Thanks for replying, yes my family are lovely they have been amazing. They have surprised me on a day out to Liverpool, but I’ve cried most the time . I feel like I’m mentally breaking down with all of this going on . I may go to the doctors and take some time off work. On top of it I have a stinking  cold xx 

  • Sweetie, you must look after yourself, too. I think that you should definitely go and talk to your doctor ... as soon as possible 

    Thinking of you xxx

  • I find it hard when people say if there is anything we can do.i feel almost angry because no one can make it go away(husband has a grade4 brain tumor) a lot of the time I feel people are just saying it to make themselves feel better but don't actually want to do anything to help really. The other one is how are you coping? How are you supposed to cope/deal with it.

  • I feel like we are constantly arguing..I know it's the steroids etc making my husband this way.and I feel guilty if Im tired of taking care of everything. And I know he feels bad for having to rely on me to get him.to.appointments etc.its such a emotional time.