Cancer has killed our relationship

  • 12 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Please bear with me. I dont know who else to talk to.

My partner was diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer in Dec 20. In Jan 21 he had a radical laryngectomy  and has since had chemo and radiotherapy.

I am and have been with him 100% of the way.  I can see the effect it has had physically and mentally. I have been there through all the lows.

I lost myself, I was his carer, nurse, driver, advocate, defender everything. I dont think he sees this. I stayed away from on family to protect him from covid. 

He cannot accept he is cancer free, he definitely cannot accept the laryngectomy and its real life effects. He has become so negative. He lives in a bubble of misery.

I dread coming home, I work full time and have become a grandma recently and those babies are my happy place!

He has pushed everyone away, he can't empathise with what anyone else may be going through. I used to defend him for it!!

I have broke, he threw such a tantrum a few weeks ago, throwing his bag at me, smashed his trutone at the wall, raging he wants to be dead..I didn't say anything just got up and went home.

Since then nothing apart from collecting the dog. He has no idea he has destroyed me.  When I have asked how his psychology appointments are..he says that they say all his reactions and feelings are ok and other people should accept this is him!!

Where did my partner, friend, soul mate go??

  • hi

    So sorry to read about what you have been going through and can certainly relate to the way you are feeling. In my years here I have seen many relationships torn apart by cancer and of course the grief we all go through for that future we dreamt of.

    If we look at Your feelings when someone has cancer I am sure everyone recognizes some of the many stages we all go through. The one I had to learn the hard way was the bit about looking after me.

    Add in covid of course and everything can feel even more miserable, I regularly deal with colleagues who feel they are being forced back in to the workplace and bosses who deny that is happening. I know there were times when work almost felt like a refuge where I was still in control and the world still somehow "made sense".



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  • Thank you Steve.  I just feel I've failed and I'm so empty

  • Hi Strugglin,

    My Husband had a laryngectomy 14 years ago, and had trouble initially coming to terms with it. He found talking tricky, especially on the phone. He used to have outbursts of rage and I think it was sheer frustration. Hang in there. Things do get better.

    We joined a layngectomy support group, which we still go to. It just was nice to share tips with others like him, and realise he is not alone. He has just come through bowel cancer and collected another stoma!!!

  • Hi nannyanny!

    I have been to one support group but he wasn't honest there.

    I felt really frustrated with him.

    Oh my god another cancer!! Hes absolute biggest fear, which i do understand. But it's stopped him living.

    He is so negative and it all comes out on me, around everyone else he is negative but reserved!!

    And now he's got all he can from me and cause I won't support the negativity he's out!!

    I am so glad to here its worked out for you xx

  • Hi Strugglin,

    How long is it since he finished treatment? It took my husband a long time to get over it all physically and maybe longer mentally. Fortunately he has always looked on the bright side!! My one big fear was him having another operation, but in spite of a very down report from the anaesthetist, they were very very good with him and took great care. I had the impression they don't have to operate on many laryngectomees! xxx

  • Surgery was Jan 21. Then radio and chem may for six weeks.

    He has had 2 stretches to wind pipes. So I agree anesthesiologist don't see many laryngectomees.

    I'm sorry just no one gets where I'm coming from 

  • He has had a lot to deal with. So have you!! I know how much time I spent making meals moist enough for him to swallow. And I'm here doing it again!!

    Do you get out and about much? That takes your mind off things. Fortunately we like going for walks in the country, so could do that. I know Covid has stopped a lot of indoor stuff. If we had a pub meal I used to ask for extra gravy, which I usually got if you explain. When we visited relatives I gave them a list of what he could eat. We had one relative who was reluctant to cope with it all. 

    I do know where you are coming from. It would be very nice for someone to look after me! xxxxx 

  • Hi

    You are of course right that nobody knows exactly where you are and even more so nobody has a magic wand that can make all your troubles go away. Perhaps the best anyone can do is stand beside a friend and notice their pain. At work when I talked about all I had been through people called me inspirational. Some people call be wife brave - at that point I leave the room, it winds her up no end - as if she ever wanted cancer.



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  • Thankyou everyone..doesnt matter now. I've been kicked out

  • Hi Strugglin,

    Sorry to hear this. I think he needs professional help to overcome his feelings. Maybe he thinks this is best for you - to set you free. Men are funny creatures at times. I would quite understand if you want no more to do with him. You've done your best.