Husband passed away

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  • 53 subscribers

Hi all, I haven't posted for a while, my husband took early retirement  30th June last year, the same day he was diagnosed with terminal cancer, it was bile duct cancer spread to his liver, gall bladder, pancreas and small bowel, he tried chemo to slow the cancer down to give him quality time, sadly he had no quality time, it made him very ill, chemo wasn't working so he had to stop. Gradually the cancer spread further, he lost the ability to think straight, he forgot how to so the simplest of things like turning the television on, typing a text, I answered repetitive questions daily as he couldn't remember things, he had delirium and confusion which made him say things which made no sense, he deteriorated fast, I bed bathed him, cleaned his teeth, shaved him, fed him, gave him drinks through a straw, cleaned him when he could no longer go to the toilet, struggled with him for hours at a time as he didn't understand why he had a urinary catheter, didn't even understand what it was and would constantly be trying to pull it out. I was exhausted but carried on caring for him, he was my world, I adored him. He became weaker and weaker, the last couple of days he was unconscious most of the time but on the 15th January this year he opened his eyes held out his hand and said " hold my hand, I love you" I told him I loved him too, he closed his eyes and that was the last thing he said to me, he passed peacefully as he slept the very next day. He was 62 years old. I miss him so much, I talk to his photo every day. 

    • We haven’t got to the point your at. I still have her with me. We have been together for 28 years and only spent 16 nights apart since then and all but 2 have been hospital admissions.
  • Hi Steve, I am pleased to hear you still have your wife with you, are they able to operate for your wife? x

  • At this point they are saying no. The plan was to focus on the ovaries then fingers crossed it gets the liver as well.

    The problem we have is that now the calcium levels are so high they have to treat that and she has a damaged kidney due to dehydration. That has now put the chemo on hold. Although they haven't said anything directly they have already offered us pip payments a a blue badge. I can't help praying that I'm wrong but I am really scared of what's coming next.

    I think I said in a previous post we are lucky in that we have family near by but it amazes me on where friends that she has had for 30 years have all vanished to

  • So sorry to hear they aren't operating, I really hope they will offer chemo again but as they have offered PIP and a blue badge then try to prepare yourself if they say it is terminal. I do hope it isn't. Its good you have family close by to help you, it's sad that her friends have done  a disappearing act when she needs them the most. I find it hard when people who have known about me losing my husband yet when they see me they haven't said a word about it, no condolences, nothing, they just avoid saying anything which makes them seem uncaring. If they just said "sorry to hear you have lost your husband" it would mean a lot but saying nothing hurts so much. X

  • My thoughts are with you, sending big hugs. XxHeartbeat



    Sending big hugs to you all

  • So sorry to hear your sad news, I'm sending virtually hug. Xx Heart



    Sending big hugs to you all