Husband passed away

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  • 53 subscribers

Hi all, I haven't posted for a while, my husband took early retirement  30th June last year, the same day he was diagnosed with terminal cancer, it was bile duct cancer spread to his liver, gall bladder, pancreas and small bowel, he tried chemo to slow the cancer down to give him quality time, sadly he had no quality time, it made him very ill, chemo wasn't working so he had to stop. Gradually the cancer spread further, he lost the ability to think straight, he forgot how to so the simplest of things like turning the television on, typing a text, I answered repetitive questions daily as he couldn't remember things, he had delirium and confusion which made him say things which made no sense, he deteriorated fast, I bed bathed him, cleaned his teeth, shaved him, fed him, gave him drinks through a straw, cleaned him when he could no longer go to the toilet, struggled with him for hours at a time as he didn't understand why he had a urinary catheter, didn't even understand what it was and would constantly be trying to pull it out. I was exhausted but carried on caring for him, he was my world, I adored him. He became weaker and weaker, the last couple of days he was unconscious most of the time but on the 15th January this year he opened his eyes held out his hand and said " hold my hand, I love you" I told him I loved him too, he closed his eyes and that was the last thing he said to me, he passed peacefully as he slept the very next day. He was 62 years old. I miss him so much, I talk to his photo every day. 

  • Really sorry to hear this Sazzi, you must be devastated, it will be tough and you'll have so many emotions, you will get through this but it's not easy, I hope you have a good family support. Take care x

  • FormerMember

    Oh I’m so sorry.  What a beautiful final message.  I wish you condolences and strength, love and, eventually, joy.  My heart is breaking to hear your story.

  • Thankyou Juppy, it is a difficult place to be in but I will get there with the support of my family, there are days when I feel good and then something will hit me, a song came into my head yesterday and the tears flowed. It will take time but I'll be ok, Kevin would have wanted me to be x

  • So very sorry for your loss, reading your post I could have written this ,I went through all the same things and wanted to look after him myself. I was on my knees by the time  he passed but I would have done it forever if I could have just had him for longer. David had just turned 60 and  in 9 months went from fit and health to bedbound and  crying out in pain and asking me to just let him die. I  am 9 months on now and still relive the last week in my head all the time and just miss him so is so cruel.  Xx

  • Sad00000 I am so sorry to hear you went through the same thing with your husband, life is certainly cruel, I am 4 months in and I am having more good days than bad now, I have a big family support and my friend also lost her husband last year at the same age as my husband, we pick each other up when one of us is down too. People seem to be dying far too young these days, it seems so unfair. Like you I was exhausted by the time Kevin died but oh to have that time again, I would look after him forever if I could have. I also relive the last week in my head too. I want to think of all the good happy times but it is always the end of life I can still see when I shut my eyes, when he was struggling and confused. I wish I could get those visions out of my mind and remember the good times. x

  • Hi

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss.

    You obviously loved him so much, he was lucky to have you.

    This cruel illness can not take your memories.

    Stay strong


  • I am glad you have family support I am sure that helps and not wanting to sound cruel it will help having someone to lean on like your friend who knows exactly how you feel. I dont get much family support only got my 84yrold mother  and 2 brothers  , 1 of them tries to help , my children both live away from home they  are 20 and 24 and i dont like to burden them with how i feel as they are grieving to and need to get on with their lives, I do have a few good friends though and they help me when i am feeling down but nobody can relate to  how we feel unless they have walked the path, take care of yourself xx

  • Thankyou Steve, yes I would have done anything for him, I miss him so much, we loved each other unconditionally and was still in love after 19 years together. X

  • I'm pleased you have some good friends who help you through, I know it's difficult when families live away, we moved here in 2019 to be close to family which was the best thing we did as prior to that we lived 120 miles away from anyone. I can't imagine how things would've been now if we hadn't moved back here. You are right though no one can relate to how we feel 7ntil they have walked the same path x