Wobble... general

  • 12 replies
  • 46 subscribers

My partner is doing well, treatment has gone well and off on the downward slope... just feel worn out, feel guilty for feeling worn out as its my partner who has fought so hard! Looking back at the journey and now on to the next stage. Just typing away not sure what else to say... just one of those days! 

Feel... low, done in but then next day I feel good. 

Anyone else get these feeling? 

  • Ah.  The world's worst roller coaster ride.  Absolutely relentless, heart breaking and overwhelming.  You will have bad days, worse days and automatic pilot days, where you are so exhausted and drained you don't feel anything at all,  BUT.  You will have good days, better days and days where things feel almost normal.  I was here almost 10 years ago now and unfortunately, I am back.  And on and on it goes.  But let me tell you what I know from reading the comments, you have totally got this people, so drink that coffee whilst it is hot (or that glass of wine whilst it is cold), snuggle under that blanket, watch that bit of rubbish TV, take that little walk even if it is just 5 minutes round the garden.  Do whatever it is that works for you.  And do not ever, ever, ever feel guilty about having that wobble.  It is totally normal, we wouldn't be human if we didn't have them.  Little steps, and as you say, one day at a time and if that is too big an ask right now, then take it an hour at a time or minute at time.  Caring in our situation is hard, probably the hardest thing we will every do, so make sure you look after yourselves too.  We are no good at what we need to do if we burn out 

  • Thank you so much for your post, this really hits home and makes so much sense! Thank you! Take care