Wobble... general

  • 12 replies
  • 51 subscribers

My partner is doing well, treatment has gone well and off on the downward slope... just feel worn out, feel guilty for feeling worn out as its my partner who has fought so hard! Looking back at the journey and now on to the next stage. Just typing away not sure what else to say... just one of those days! 

Feel... low, done in but then next day I feel good. 

Anyone else get these feeling? 

  • Absolutely. Some days you feel positive and think things are going well then other days it all just seems so bleak. I am caring for my wife who has a terminal diagnosis and I am hyper aware of any changes in her demeanour - if she looks reasonably comfortable then all is good. Any twinge, gasp or sigh from her and my heart sinks again. The whole situation is just awful Sleepy

  • Hi

    oh yes!  Almost daily! 

    You need to remember you are going through a journey too and not to be too hard on yourself when you feel it a bit. It's a rollercoaster ride!

    Hang in there . You're doing great! Stay strong.

    Sending you a huge virtual hug

    love n hugs

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I completely understand the heart sink moment, it really is a very hard situation. Thank you for your message. You're doing amazing! 

  • Rollercoaster ride, I say this alot, it really does feel like that. Thank you for virtual hugs and loves, means alot and I will try and remember not to be too hard on myself. 

  • Hi bobby, I am having the exact same week. You feel guilty for having the wobble and I often feel like a burden. Its perfectly ok to feel those feelings! 
    i am taking one day at a time and just trying to get to the scan results  we have next week. lookafter yourself x

  • Hello, it does help when you know your not alone with these feelings,  yeah one day at a time is certainly the way I have been trying to get through things. Hope next week goes well. Thank you for your message.

  • totally - for me, its not day by day but hour by hour to be honest. For us everything has happened so fast and we've gone straight from CT scan, to appt to say its stage 4 and then first chemo in a month. I like to think i'm pretty tough but have never cried so much. I'm feeling a little better right now because my husband's chemo was too toxic and he was sooooooo poorly from it and now he's in hospital on IV fluids etc so i know he's in the best place right now, but everything seems such an effort for me - mental exhaustion due to stress and i'm sure you are the same. I hope you are having a good day today. Sending love and light. 

  • I totally relate to how you’re feeling. I’m currently on the sofa under a blanket as I’m really just so weary. I’m the main carer for my husband’s best friend. His friend moved in with us five weeks ago and we are both trying so hard to do the right thing, whatever it is, as it changes daily! My husband is great, he just doesn’t like the more intimate side of things regarding his friend’s care. 
    the one thing I’m learning is to grab any time for myself that I can and my husband does the same. Even if it’s just for a coffee or a bit of rubbish tv, it charges the batteries a little. 
    Although I’m new to the community I am a good listener and here for anyone. Blush

  • Hope all goes well, thank you for the love and light and sending some back. One day at a time, we are stronger then we think and wobbles are alright (learning) 

  • Always good to grab some me time can totally relate to this, stay strong Muscle tone2 thank you for your message.