Emotions, just too many to manage

  • 13 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi all,

My partner has cancer and I am not coping very well. Does anyone else just find themselves feeling really conflicting emotions and how do you manage?

I am angry and I feel almost cheated because it's come at a point where we were just moving to a lovely home and area and planning to have the next stage of our lives be so much better.

Now I feel like it's all changed and quite frankly spoilt. Then I feel guilty about the feelings because he is being so positive and strong and telling me how lucky we are.

I don't feel lucky, I feel terrified of losing him. Then I feel guilty for not having faith in him to fight it and have a good remission. 

And on it goes, conflict after conflict.

I had breast cancer when I was quite young really, 28, and we got through that together, he was my rock. I feel like I am letting him down by not being as strong and positive...but he has lung cancer that has already metastacised when it was found in May. It's a bit different...

I also know that I am really tired and it's completely understandable, moving to a new area, working full time and now all sorts of aspects of our relationship have changed. He can't drive so even a little thing like going to the shop or the recycling center is all on me. 

He has just had the first chemotherapy and immunotherapy treatment early this week and has been brilliant, only yesterday was he feeling generally unwell and slept a lot. I am so proud of him and his attitude and inner strength and then I say something, yet a bit of a snappy reply and I can't help but feel almost resentful as I am doing everything.

Honestly, I don't think anyone can really help, I think I just wanted to get it all out..

Thank you

  • Hi Pencil.  Thank you.  The breakfast sets sound adorable.  Get them out and use them.  Enjoy them.  Make every minute count.  And don't bite your tongue.  All you have to do is say thank you, I appreciate the offer and I will take you up on it if I need to.  It's ok to say actually, thanks but I really don't want to talk about it.  There are people I talk to about it and people I don't talk to about it.  Lots of different conversations, sometimes it is good to just pretend it's not happening for a little while, so have that drink and dance round the room like nobody is watching

  • Ah By a Thread.  Easy to say but please try not to feel guilty about how you feel.  It is perfectly normal.  It is not just him going through it.  You are too.  Different angles on the same thing.  And all the form filling and stuff is just rubbish.  I haven't had to do that yet and am hoping I don't.  Did one with my Dad a few years ago and honestly, I was a raging wreck by the time we had done with it.  Absolutely ridiculously long and complicated

  • Wow. It all started with   post and  response.. This is all so familiar. My poor husband is going through hell on earth and its me breaking down in tears all the time. We recently moved, daughter had left home and this was our new start. It's a relief to know I'm normal. I'm stuck for words as im choked with tears again. All I can say is thank you all for sharing. Heart