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My husband  has terminal  cancer and I work in a care home that has the virus and so I am not going into work because  if I catch it and take it home it will kill him.What are my rights  at work under these circumstances.

  • Hi , I've found this page which seems to give the clearest guidance and this one is the government page with the most comprehensive advice. I hope this helps.

    If you find dust in my house, write your name in it. When the signatures overlap I'll get the polish. 

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  • Hi Jake23, I am in same situation work in care home doing nights husband has an incurable cancer currently stable but with body hammered from treatments and other health issues is very high risk as your husband. I have now been off over 2 weeks with an additional 2 weeks off from dr due to myself been unwell with chest infection, claiming SSP. Want to go to work when the additional 2 weeks end but feel I cant, dont feel it would be safe due to husbands high risk. Did you find an answer in regards to the current corona issue or is the best route to try and get signed off on stress because I am stressed and at least we will have some form of income. It is so hard to find a black and white answer, have read endless information trying to find a solution.

  • Thank you for your reply . Contacted  my doctor  for sick note and was told  I did not need one because  I am self isolating because  I have asthma. They said employers  should know the guidelines. Feel so guilty not helping  my work  colleagues but they have been  great and they know my circumstances. Hope this information  helps you .Keep well and safe xx

  • Jake23, thanks for replying. I also have asthma so will see what dr says. That was another concern of mine as well as the concern we have two depend primary age school children. Such a shame it has come to this for so many of us, I really enjoy my job - and missing it already. Take care x

  • I phoned hr and they said because  I have asthma  I am entitled  to 12 weeks  ssp.Work are not happy. My husband  and I are worried  as he was not heard  from  his cancer team.My husband  thinks because  he has terminal  cancer  he is not priority  x

  • Hi , I'm sure the team will be happy for you to phone and see what's happening. It's so much more stressful during lockdown and you need to know for both your mental health. 


    If you find dust in my house, write your name in it. When the signatures overlap I'll get the polish. 

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  • I had to get in touch with hr and they said because  I have asthma  I am entitled  to 12 weeks  sick pay without  a sick  note x

  • Husband  is  not doing  well  He just sits  and watches tv all day.Not like him worried  

  • I have suffered  from  depression  for 27 years and on medication. Husband  is  my priority  but management  is making  me feel  guilty  at the care home I work in x

  • Hi , I'm sorry to hear that your work is putting pressure on you. I understand the difficulties of depression; my history with it goes back a very long way and people pressing your buttons makes it harder to find the elusive balance. Someone said recently, 'When the anxiety hits, try to think of something that comforts you'; it's a way of taking control back. Yes, of course your priority is your husband, and rightly so. Take the time you are entitled to for your husband and for yourself.

    The sitting down watching tv all day is probably his way of coping with the stress of his illness, add lockdown to that and it's easy to understand that he would do nothing but watch tv. But I understand your concern, I feel the same when my husband is so tired he goes back to bed. We worry because we care. You might like to call the helpline on 0808 808 0000 for advice, it's open every day 8am-8pm, or his specialist nurse. Hang in there, you will get through this.

    Love and hugs,

    If you find dust in my house, write your name in it. When the signatures overlap I'll get the polish. 

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