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My husband  has terminal  cancer and I work in a care home that has the virus and so I am not going into work because  if I catch it and take it home it will kill him.What are my rights  at work under these circumstances.

  • Dear Jake23, shame on your work place for making you feel guilty, as you say your husband is your priority and rightly so. How anyone can make you feel guilty for putting your husband first with everything you are going through it is shameful. Considering you work in a care home you'd think they would be more caring. The risk to your husband and yourself at this time by you working would be tremendous, the care industry from my view point should of been made better prepared to protect their employees as well as their residents. I do not feel guilty at all for been off on sick at the moment, I got signed off for stress by my GP with my employer supporting myself to do this. I work in a care home myself. My husbands cancer incurable, our two young dependent children have  been through enough without myself going to work and putting their shielding father at risk as well as myself and dependant children. What if the worst happened and I brought corona into my household, my husband who has courageously battled for 3 years, who's body has been hammered by treatments as well as cancer would probably not survive. Do not feel guilty, you have got nothing to feel guilty about. As for your husband watching television its probably just his way of coping with  the situation you are in, all you can do is let him know you are there if he wants to talk. My heart goes out to you as I understand how you must be feeling, we have been so close at times over the last three years to the end but miraculously my husband is still here and overall at the moment has a reasonable quality of life. Not bad for someone who's life insurance paid out within weeks of diagnosis. I do hope you are ok Jake23, partake in some self care, I've no doubt you deserve it.

  • My husband  was diagnosed  in November  with small cell  lung  cancer stage 4 .He has went threw  chemo  and radiotherapy. My husband's  life  insurance  also paid out because  doctor  said he only had a year to live. xx