Inconclusive CT scan

  • 2 replies
  • 40 subscribers

My husband has Eosophagus cancer with metastasis in the liver and medicinal nodes. Saw Oncologist last week for results of scan the cancer in esophagus and liver has apparently shrunk - really good news. But nodes in chest have increased - not so good. Ken is having another scan and two more cycles of chemo, he is on a real downer and I am finding it very difficult to support him. His hearing isn't brilliant so he misses a lot of what his oncologist says. When I try to explain what is happening he becomes quiet disgruntled at times and then refuses to speak for the rest of the day. I am at a loss at the moment. Sorry for going on a bit but I just had to get this off my chest. At times I feel I am failing him.  Thanks 


  • Hi ,

    I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties you're having but I'm sure you're not failing your husband at all. Men handle cancer, it seems, much differently than we women. My husband sounds similar to yours; he insisted I should have hearing aids but refuses to have them himself, settling for grunting when he can't hear or forgets what was said. All you can do is provide tea and coffee and be there for him while trying hard to look after yourself too; taking time out is essential whenever you can, even if it's just a stroll in the (chilly) garden. Do you have an outlet, a social group or anything like that?


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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to LoobyLou49

    Thanks LoubyLou. It is difficult. I walk to the Co-op  for a  paper every day which is a mile there and back. Really enjoy this. Just started going to Aqua Fit. Must admit the time away is good it allows me to relax.

    Really appreciate your reply. Take care of yourself
