wife's treatment going successfully but I cannot cope

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  • 44 subscribers

Hi everyone.

My wife has been battling kidney cancer for about 4 years now and is currently having targeted chemo treatment to deal with 2 secondaries which on her last scan a few weeks ago had shrunk which was great news and yet I find myself unable to cope with the fairly mild side effects of her treatment such as her hair turning white - yea trivial in the greater scheme of things I know but I just feel so helpless and am now finding myself getting more and more depressed with each day when I really want to be positive for her. I am scared about what the future holds for us both!

Apologies for the ramble but just needed to get things off my chest

  • FormerMember

    Hi shardc. I know how you feel. My wife was diagnosed nearly 5 years ago with lung and secondary brain C. She was given 3months but fortunately after testing was suitable for targeted therapy. Things did change and like your situation the cancer decreased!

    Side effects are part of the treatment and although new and scary for us both,  my wife was still the same woman, just a new version which we learned to adapt to. 

    Long story short, my role as her husband changed from what it was to what she needed from me now. Both are the same in helping my wife in any way i can. As a man i just wanted to do something i thought was productive, bulid/demolish, or somehow take it all away. I found just being there was all my wife needed, for just the simple things that make each day easier for her.

    I wish you both well for the future!