Neutropenic Sepsis

  • 12 replies
  • 44 subscribers

My Husband was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma in July this year. He has it in his lung. Having never been ill in his life (apart from Man Flu a couple of years!) he is struggling with sometimes not feeling well. Generally he is well most days it’s only after chemo days he isn’t great, he is on his 4th out of 6 cycles of chemo which is an intense course. On the 3rd cycle he developed neutropenic sepsis & was admitted to our local hospital for 5 nights. He regained his strength & was ready for his 4th cycle which went well. 5 days afterwards and he has been admitted to hospital again with neutropenic sepsis.

First time round I was terrified, this time we were aware of the symptoms & didn’t panic so much.However I am struggling with my emotions & I sometimes feel like I’m at my wits end with it all! I have family locally to me & a great friend support network so why do I feel overwhelmed with it all?

i am tired mentally, emotionally and physically and really don’t know how much longer I can cope like this?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Cyprusfan

    Hi Hayley

    Im so sorry to hear about your Son, I hear so often since my Husband was diagnosed about other people that were diagnosed out of the blue. It’s all so scary as it just pops up like that!!! So many lives are ruined that day.

    Everyones lives are turned upside down, and we know we need to be strong and positive but some days are really hard and all I want to do is be alone and cry!

    I don’t want to constantly talk or think about it, I feel sad, I feel angry & I don’t want to have feelings of despair or tiredness but unfortunately it comes with the territory!

    I do hope your Sons treatment goes well and he will progress to get better. My Husband is now home from hospital and we look forward to a nice weekend. It’s a constant watching game though with temperature changes, low blood pressure etc. Wishing you & your family all the best xxx

  • Thank you so much Cathchingtherays. I feel the same as you very angry.  We were in the waiting room yesterday for his PICC to be fitted. I couldn't help thinking as he sat there with his girlfriend they should be out in the world having graduated in July.  Funny enough he was in last weekend with a temperature.  Went in at 10 pm Friday but luckily by time my husband left at 2 am it went back down but they wouldn't discharge until the Monday when doctors did the rounds. 

    He took himself to A & E up in London on 23rd August hurting when breathing, bad back, cold flu symptoms.  Luckily a nurse asked him if he was usually this pale and asked for bloods. Came back as anaemia and something in blood. Of course we now know what it is. Worse part is we live in Wales. He didn't say he been taken in over night not to worry us . Then he rang to say on the Sunday afternoon 25th August that's when our world came crashing down.  We drove up to London early Monday morning and came back last Thursday. We had to use our touring van. Thank God for that as first 3 nights were in hotels. 

    The doctors were so blunt before they knew what they were dealing with CryCry worse thing is he didn't look ill. September 2019 I won't forget.  Whilst in hospital we had to move all his things out of student house as their lease  was up. Then our daughter moved into uni accommodation on 13th September to start uni on the 15th in Greenwich.  Been so hard for her to enjoy start of uni. 

    It's funny as well when you see people going about fun times it makes me think I wish that was me. 

    Sorry for long post. 

