Getting Married

  • 14 replies
  • 44 subscribers

My partner and I have been together for 28years but we don't live together..which is probably why we still a couple. Slight smile He has stage 4 colorectal cancer.  He's had chemo since November but that is now not working so well so he'll start a new type soon. In view of what lies ahead I want us to get married. I have power of attorney but want to be part of his family not just a 'friend'. My partner get anxious easily and doesn't cope well with change...think Sheldon and Amy and you've got us. We would still live in our own homes once married. I'm ok with registry office and no fuss. I gave up on the girly dream of a proper wedding years ago. Has anyone done the same? Anyone any advice, tips? 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Needing friends

    Thank you Needing Friends. With eveythi g else that's going on it does get overwhelming at times. 

  • For me it was very bitter sweet. I proposed to him immediately after he was given the terminal diagnosis. He had wanted that for years and it was my gift because he was told he was dying.  He has not minded that it was the cancer that prompted me.   The terminal tag focused the mind on what was important and honouring our relationship legally and then publicly with a few friends and a giant bar bill was something I treasure.  I wouldn't have done it without the cancer but am glad that I did. I hope you manage to make an arrangement that suits you both and does not become another stress on top of what you are both already dealing with.  From your posts earlier, it sounds like you have a long and strong relationship and I send you my best wishes. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to NellieJ

    Thank you,  NellieJ.

    Things seem to be falling into place. Its not the wedding I would have planned had he proposed years ago but making our love and long term relationship legal in the eyes of the law us important. I am also so pleased to officially become  part of his family. 

    Thank you all for your kind thougts

  • Congratulations Mew29, I wish you all the best for the big day x