Feeling low again

  • 5 replies
  • 43 subscribers

One of those cant sleep nights. My problem is l cannot find anyone whose situation is like ours. My husband went from being completely well to being diagnosed with Bowel Cancer in a matter of a few weeks. The initial diagnosis was last October. I read other s experiences and raise my hopes then discover that the patient being described has had an operation to remove the Primary Tumour and is on Chemo for one or two mets in the Liver  My poor husband was told his original tumour ,despite being under 2cms was inoperable because he has 'multiple' mets in every part of his Liver. He has survived Sepsis, DVT and random infections , is a brave and stoic as ever. He works full time at home from our kitchen table but we both know there is no hope. I suppose it is a miracle he is still here .

  • Hi there, how  I know about those awful, long, long nights! I'm so sorry things are as they are. I hope that just writing things down helps. I have my little worry doll I bought for charity to whisper my worries to. I ask her to keep them for me til the morning and place her under my pillow. Yes it's silly but it helps. Perhaps you will find someone 9n here who is going through the same thing as you both are  now you have posted.

    The pancreatic registrar told my partner when he was given his pancreatic cancer diagnosis that in his view a positive attitude was one of the best tools we have to fighting this disease. I know that's not always easy. We are awaiting his scan as blood cancer markers are rising. If the cancer has come back there is no cure. He is also awaiting lymph node biopsy results following melanoma removal a couple of months ago.

    I hope this morning you are feeling a little better. Sometimes the dawn helps lift us. Take things day by day, otherwise I get overwhelmed. Hope you have good responses to your post, keep in touch xx

    Love is eternal
  • Thankyou, yes l feel better this morning. I usually put my 'cancer thoughts' in an imaginary parcel tied with big ribbon and mentally push it outside our bedroom door to be picked up the next day. I use music videos as a distraction and my husband is my hero . Sometimes ,despite our best efforts , l still get overwhelmed  . 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Trentlady


    Sorry to read your story. Night times are always the worse, your mind goes into overdrive. My boyfriend out of the blue too got told he had bowel cancer September last year. He had curative surgery but it had got into two lymph nodes. He had a tough time following surgery, join split, sepsis etc so was unable to have the chemo recommended. Following his screening program they discovered a few tiny mets on his liver. He is currently having chemo, four rounds for now. What treatment is your husband currently having?

    lena x

  • Hello, My lovely husband has endured Oxyplatin plus other drugs. Everything had to stop when he developed DVT and Sepsis . He restarted huy the final dose of Oxyplatin  was withheld because of severe neuropathy in hands and feet. After another delay he had a scan which revealed the Liver Mets had shrunk but the Primary tumour had grown . He is now on Folfori  plus Cetumaxib and feels quite well apart from hair loss and a persistent  rash. My worry is what's next? He has another scan tomorrow, we dread then, it's never good news . So hard to watch and feel helpless. Hope all goes well for your partner.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Trentlady

    Have you asked his oncologist if there are any trials available for him?