Caring for my husband at home

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  • 40 subscribers

I’m really in need of some support and advice from other women in my situation. My husband has been treated for oesophageal cancer, really struggling to eat, lost 1/3 of his body weight, looks about 90 ( he’s only 62). Last week he had a sub arachnoid brain haemorrhage and is in hospital, not doing brilliantly because he’s so underweight and generally poorly. It’s been awful seeing him reduced to skin and bone, using a walking frame, drinking from a cup with a spout, and today I noticed they’ve got him in incontinence pads. I know that when he’s medically stable they’ll discharge him and I’m dreading having to help him with personal care at home. How on earth do we negotiate this sudden transition from being a married couple with a good life to carer and cared for? 

  • Hi there .It becomes a new way of life,my partner has a colostomy and a urostomy and an open wound which needs cleaning twice daily.Our relationship has changed drastically,I'm his carer now , rather than his partner, but you will learn to cope and accept. I do miss what we used to have immensely, but we find strength to carry on. He is 20 years older than me, so in a way it's easier for him to accept the new way of life, but love conquers all I guess. X

    never give up hope