Terminal diagnosis

  • 2 replies
  • 44 subscribers

After two weeks of being in hospital, we have just found out that my husband's brain tumour is incurable and that he has about 3 months to live - I'm struggling to process this - feeling just numb.  Also, my two wonderful children (25 and 28) are of course devastated but so supportive to me - daughter wants to move back home for weekdays - son offering to defer place at hospital for his F1 placement which starts in August.  I really don't want him to do this.  Feel I should be strong enough to deal with this alone - but really need their help as husband is being sent home from hospital in a week. How will I cope - is is selfish to be terrified.  Know so many people have been here and coped and don't want to be the 'weak link'.

  • bless you.. you will never be a weak link!.. you will cope, and the strength will appear.. but you must remember to look after yourself too.. as i always say.. its a rollercoaster. sending you lots of love and hugs xx

    never give up hope
  • Hi , sorry to read this - there is support out there and you should not be left in a position where you feel like the weak link. The hospital should ensure you both have the support you need before they discharge as it is all too easy or them to end up with two patients.

    I can understand why your son might feel he wants to help, natural given his training but I would guess that would be the last thing your husband would want, if you can show that you both have good care in place hopefully he will be able to carry on with his placement and might even be able to share good practice with other patients he might meet in the future.



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