New to all this

  • 4 replies
  • 43 subscribers

My husband was diagnosed with a brain tumour out of the blue last week and has been in hospital ever since.  I'm visiting daily at the moment.  I'm finding it really hard to eat anything and my digestion is all over the place - is this normal?  Also my son is leaving to start a new job in the North of England which I am finding really hard to cope with.  Reading this I sound so selfish.  I consider myself and independent person but seem to be becoming more and more needy.  Sorry to be a wimp.

  • You are in shock and very stressed my dear .I have devloped rashes only on one arm and bouts of irritable bowel syndrome .The stress seems to take physical form which I believe stops us from completely losing the plot  . Bills first brain met was diagnosed in Nov 2017. Two awake brain surgery and two bouts of stereothatic radiotherapy and he is still here. Monday he was reallly ill with a temp of 39.4 but today is out of bed and a lot better .What Im trying to say is its very unpredictable and nothing is clearcut really also you find reserves of strength you never knew you had  .Its a rollercoaster ride and even after 3 and a half years we dont know what will happen next .He could be worse or he might pick up .Trust in  the  medical team ask as many questions as you need and get support from friends and the specialist nurses .Look after yourself keep posting we will all help you lots of hugs xx

    Granny Sue

  • Hi 1957jools,

    I totally agree with what GrannySue said "ask as many questions as you need", but .....

    Don't let your medical team just throw medical terminology at you. Ask your questions and keep asking them until you get an answer that you and your OH can understand. Regardless of how good your medical team is, the two most important people in this fight and you and your OH and fear of the unknown is all too common when you start this trip. Ask, listen and know your enemy.

    It sounds like you're a bit overwhelmed at the moment. We've all been there at one point or another. With your husband ill and your son leaving, you may feel very alone. Please use the forums as your sounding board. Everyone here, in one form or another, is travelling the same road as you. Some are just beginning, some are miles down the road. We're all human, we all feel your pain and we're all your friends.

    You're not alone sweetheart.

    Ewen :-)

    P.S. You're not selfish and you're not a wimp. None of this is your fault.

    The day after your journey ends, the sun will still rise.
    As will you.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to panic

    Thank you so much for replying - it's so good to know there's a place to vent - don't want to drive friends and family mad quite yet.  Went to hospital this afternoon and felt better - no improvement but just had some calm time - think I'm becoming institutionalised as I feel so safe at the hospital!

  • You know you're becoming instiutionalized when hospital coffee tastes good. LOL

    The day after your journey ends, the sun will still rise.
    As will you.